[center][color=f49ac2][i][h1]~Varia Crest~[/h1][/i][/color][/center] [hr] [b]Character image:[/b] [hider=Varia] [img] https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-7Wau-6y-2ns/V9OUxtATBmI/AAAAAAAAAsQ/O-aWRt7FwJAaQTD0EucK1_2nWJxECEPLACLcB/s320/tumblr_n4rimjvczP1s07ozso1_250.gif[/img] [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Lady Victoria Crest, goes by the nickname Varia. [b]Age[/b]: 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Dress sense:] [img] https://tv-fanatic-res.cloudinary.com/iu/s--ST4NVR_N--/t_full/cs_srgb,f_auto,fl_strip_profile.lossy,q_auto:420/v1505951780/tahani-the-good-place-s2e1.jpg [/img] [img]https://uploads.wornontv.net/2018/01/tahanis-navy-dress-white-bow.jpg [/img][img] https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ-a4QSuTJqlxYKyKpLZUciXC3Ht7MWZ_6DJusREDAitrIgjzXa[/img] [/hider] Height: 5’5” Weight 130lbs Slender frame with no muscle tone. Often wears her hair long but either straight or in curls, partially tied back or partially braided. General style of dress comprises of designer clothing, either dress suits and long gowns to fancy functions or short summer dresses and fashionable threads for casual events, she rarely wears anything sporty unless doing physical activity. Apart from the birthmark on her wrist, she has no other identifying marks or tattoos or scars, her body is a blank canvas (or serene as she’d like to think). She has both ears pierced for all manner of fancy earrings. [b]Personality:[/b] A highly sensitive and gentle soul, Varia is quietly respectful and polite to all whom she meets. Unless you’re an arrogant male who thinks he can win her like some prize, then she gets annoyed. She may be considered uptight and frigid but this is because she hasn’t met her soulmate, she doesn’t to open up to other people and if she wasn’t with ‘him’, nothing much wasn’t worth being excited about. Thus she has a melancholy aura but she is sweet and caring, especially to animals, they manage to bring joy to her empty life. Varia loves to sing and does so on many occasion for her parent’s charity balls and business parties. She is quite intelligent, having achieved straight A’s in school, an honours degree and now studying for a doctorate in environmental science. And when someone gets a fact wrong, she can’t help but –politely- correct them. She needs to be challenged on an intellectual basis in order to get her full admiration. [b]Biography:[/b] Born to Lady Diana and Lord Alexander Crest in Great Britain, Victoria has had a privileged upbringing, the best schooling, spoiled and although she wouldn’t want for anything it was quite lonely and sheltered upbringing. With only her pets, books or video games to keep her company to transport her into a world where girl meets boy and although through hardship, had a happy ending. All the wealth and material that surrounded her made her no happier for all she truly desired was to love and be loved. Something she found difficult to do. Whenever a boy showed her interest, there was something off about him, it just didn’t feel right. She swore she had dreamt of the man she is really meant to be with, alas she was beginning to think he was dead and that he haunted her in the afterlife. She drew pictures of what she thought he looked like, although vague and fuzzy images derived from her subconscious. Her parents have now arranged her marriage to Lord Christopher Spencer due to becoming fed up with Varia unlikely to produce a family heir with her unwillingness to find a husband by turning down every suitor that came her way. Although it is modern times and female rights have moved on, the upper class society still believes in traditional British heritage and thus if she refused, she would be disowned, furthering her descent into sorrow. Varia never kew why she always felt so empty during her teenage years until she was told she was a Fragmented when she was old enough to understand what she was. Being from a wealthy family, they had access to the best doctors and have learned all the effects of being Fragmented from them when Varia was born. Then the day came when she received a letter inviting her to the Abramson Estate. Finally! There did exist other Fragmented like her! With only one month left until her wedding, she decided to take this adventure of a lifetime and find out if she was fated to find her supposed ‘soulmate’ or to simply wither away and die alone as a Lost. All she knew was, she couldn’t live like this anymore and her soul positively ached for a new life – one with [i]him[/i]. She is willing to give up everything for this one chance and give up everything for. [b]Other:[/b] ★ Her favourite colour is white. She is a dog person. She writes poetry. Her favourite film is The Princess Bride. Her hobbies include reading non-fiction, games (board/video), horse riding, fencing, ballroom/Latino dancing and secretly clubbing on a girls night out. [color=f49ac2]Colour code is f49ac2.[/color] Varia is but a mermaid who is not content with a waveless ocean.