[h1]Egg Carrier[/h1] Oglivie, Sonia and Eggman walked into the [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/6/6c/SeparatistSenate-HOBS.png/revision/latest?cb=20130518043828]Sparcely populated grand hall[/url] that served as the senate building. There were many empty seats in the house, almost 3/4 of them. Sonia looked around with a face of uneasiness. "Did this few of them actually care enough to hear us?" she asked. Eggman tapped his nose. "More likely this is all that's left of them. War is a tricky business and if these guys are on the losing side, then all the more difficult for them to help us." He said, before bending down and whispering in her ear [sub]"More likely, they want us to join them."[/sub] "This emergency meeting [ffzzzzzt] Is now brought to order." He looked over the remnants of the once grand and proud Confederacy of Independent Systems. "First order of business." a member of the Trade Federation that was sat next to Bromb called. He pressed a button on the console. "War Report." "The Galactic Empire has been making gains with their [fzzzzzzzt] Brand new vessels and equipment." he said as a galactic map appeared. "I'm afraid that [fzzt] the following worlds have been conquered." 7 systems turned red as the desks of 7 of the people that did show up to the meeting also turned red. "Those of you who's worlds have been conquered, you are welcome to stay with us, the Techno Union is more than [fzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt]" He slammed his fist into his chest, before twisting the dial "Excuse me. The Techno Union is more than happy to host any and all of your governments that wish to rule in Exile, as we will support and recognize your governments." There was a few murmers. 7 planets may not have been much in the grand scheme, but with their numbers dwindling to so few, those 7 planets hit them hard. "After the fall of Count Dooku and General Grievous, as well as the White Flag Slaughter, we all knew that times were going to be tough, but we still endure, every day that we exist is a day that they have not won. If we can endure until tomorrow, then we can endure until the day after that. Every day, we must promise ourselves that we will endure until the next day, if we can do that, then the Confederacy can never be defeated. Intergalactic tyranny will never rule us." There was an ovation of clapping... Which sadly fell flat with the realization of how quiet it was with so few. He then looked down at the 3 of their guests. "Our next order of business, the arrival of the Egg Carrier and her crew from the esteemed House of Acorn on Mobius." the speaker sitting next to Bromb called. He guestured for Sonia to speak. Stepping out from behind the desk, she bowed to them. "Esteemed members of the Confederacy of Independant Systems, my name is Sonia Acorn, Princess of Mobius, Second Child of King Sonic and Queen Sally, Guardian of the Realm and Protector of the Chaos Emeralds." She leaned up. "I do know that you are in a dire position and i am willing to grant what little aid we can offer to you, but my people are in an equally dire position. The Exiled Prince Manic of Mobius has recently failed a coup upon my house. With this, he has escaped our grasp and has ventured out into the galaxy with promises to rebuild and re-arm his forces. We beseech anyone that might be able to point us in the direction of him. Have any of you seen him?" She called. The house was silent. "Have you recently been attacked by anyone weilding powerful new technologies at all?" She asked. There was a murmuring. A Koorivar stood up. "The Empire has recently made great leaps and bounds in their technological advancements as of late. This Prince Manic must be working with them." He called. At that point, a Muun stood up. "That is ludicrous. The Empire has been very clear in its pro-Human rhetoric, i highly doubt that they would be assisting someone like this, even for technological advancement. We are at war, you should either join us or get out of here and allow us to continue our war." He called. "No, we cannot afford to turn away allies at a time like this!" A Sullustan yelled, standing up. "I call that we formally ask the Egg Carrier and her crew to join us, along with Mobius." He called. "ORDER!!!" Bromb roared. His machine began to fizz as he fiddled with the controls as the court settled down. Eggman stepped forwards. "The Egg Carrier is but a single ship. Although powerful, she is not enough to sway a war in her favour. If we were to join now, our vessel would be destroyed and our world ransacked. We are currently working on an entire fleet of powerful warships that, once completed, will be able to make a difference. If we remain out of this war for the time being, we will be able to come back in 6 months with an actual fleet." He called. "I ask for patience. We will fight the Overlanders, but not right now." He called. There was a murmuring from the stands. "Overlanders?" the Muun asked. "We are talking about the Galactic Empire." "Yes, the Galactic Empire of Overlanders, much like myself." Eggman called. There was another murmuring. "We will [fzzzzzt] call a recess to confer please return in an hour..." Bromb called.