[center][b][h3]Gods, Men and Everything in Between Turn 5 (1/2)[/h3][/b][/center] [b][color=lightblue]World Event[/color][/b] [indent]The hands of [b][color=blue]ALNAEUS[/color][/b] were not tethered solely to the creation of the Gods, and still yet another century passed where the [i]First Father[/i] felt his own Children conceive a being all their own. In the wintry cool of Naschya, the [i]First Father[/i] breathed life into the void. From the earth stepped the [b]Matak[/b]; rough bodied and thick skinned. Their teeth were sharp and jagged, their hands were rough and uneven, their minds simple but practical. The withering frost of Naschya would be their home, where existence would be meek, and perhaps even uneventful. From the Matak spawned a half dozen simple minded creatures. The squat and slow moving Solamu, the agile but mute Naati, the pack hunter Teteneus. The Matak soon learned to stand naked was to meet death. From the first fallen Solamu they hunted and from it's carcass gathered wild furs and sharp teeth to use as rudimentary tools. Still, the first thousand Matak froze and died and eked an existence that was seemed more cruel than anything else. [center][img]https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/endlesslegend_gamepedia/c/c7/HurnasArt.jpg?version=7c5412b76ef64ad88c9a3bcfdba97f6f[/img][i]A pair of Mataki hunters track a Solamu in Northern Naschya[/i][/center] [hider=World Event] The [i]First Father[/i] creates the [b]MATAK[/b] in Naschya [hider=MATAK] - [b]Status[/b]: Neutral - [b]Population[/b]: 3 (Thousands) [[b][color=red]Very Low[/color][/b]] - [b]Population Modifier[/b]: 1.1 (Thousands) [[b][color=red]Very Low[/color][/b]] - [b]Advancement[/b]: [i]Hunter-Gathers[/i] (0) - [b]Achievements[/b]: [i]None[/i] - [b]Worship[/b]: 0 / 0[/hider][/hider][/indent] [hr][hr] [b][color=f9ad81]TELIOS[/color], God of the Sun and Luck is born[/b] [indent]Considered the first of the [b]New Gods[/b], the offspring of [b][color=orange]IRA[/color][/b] and [b][color=turquoise]ALCADEAS[/color][/b], TELIOS embodied the shining light of the overhead Sun, and the comical humor of Luck. [hider=God of the Sun] [b]Minor Domain[/b]: [b]THE SUN[/b] [i]Eternal, objective and ever present, the Sun is a source of replenishment, strength and guidance. Those who stand under it will known certainty, for the Sun pushes back against the darkness of doubt and despair.[/i] - [b]MINOR ABILITY[/b]: [i]Rays of Light[/i] * Costs [b]2 Power[/b]. * No [b]Action[/b] required. * Automatically gives a +1 ATK Modifier for any ARMY/NAVY/CHAMPION that is targeted before a battle. If this results in a TIE, the battle is automatically won in favor of the selected ARMY/NAVY/CHAMPION[/hider] [hider=God of Luck][b]Minor Domain[/b]: [b]Luck[/b] [i]uck is the phenomenon that defines the experience of notably positive, negative, or improbable events. The naturalistic interpretation is that positive and negative events happen all the time in human lives, both due to random and non-random natural and artificial processes, and that even improbable events can happen by random chance. In this view, being "lucky" or "unlucky" is simply a descriptive label that points out an event's positivity, negativity, or improbability.[/i] - [b]MINOR ABILITY[/b]: [i]Luck of Telios'[/i] * Costs [b]5 Power[/b]. * Choose the [b]Action[/b] of Another Deity, or the [b]Result of an Action[/b]. Roll 1d10. TELIOS can change the rolled number by +/- 1 per every +3 Power spent. See column for results: - 1: Result is drastically changed in favor of [b][color=green]Good[/color][/b]. - 2: Result is slightly changed in favor of [b][color=green]Good[/color][/b]. - 3: Result is slightly changed in favor of [b][color=green]Good[/color][/b]. - 4: No change. - 5: No change. - 6: No change. - 7: No change. - 8: Result is slightly changed in favor of [b][color=red]Bad[/color][/b]. - 9: Result is slightly changed in favor of [b][color=red]Bad[/color][/b]. - 10: Result is drastically changed in favor of [b][color=red]Bad[/color][/b]. [/hider][/indent]