[center][h2][color=Darkgreen]Duhyxbin[/color][/h2][/center] After seeing the Aureus walk trough the land [color=Darkgreen]Duhyxbin[/color] felted the appearance of a new race in the lands to the east he thought to himself for a while he then moved to above the planetary orbit seeing that the world still needs to be filled, he then landed on the continent near the sea. He then moved his hands raising small mountain ranges while at the same time making grass grow in the regions around the mountains making life bloom in these regions with forest and open plains appearing in his shaping of the world he hasn't stopped in the same region. He then moved across the inner sea and west of the lands of the Gnomes he raised two new mountain ranges serving as a wall between the northern sea and the core of the mainland and like before life bloomed across with forest and grasslands appearing across the region. After observing the lands, he warped space around him making he go to the void he then put his staff in front of him and begun to meditate conserving his energy for the future. [hider=Turn actions] [b]Action 1: Shape land [img]https://i.ibb.co/r0mSvRY/Shape-land-1.png[/img] Action 2: Shape land [img]https://i.ibb.co/GWcTYWQ/Shape-land-2.png[/img] ACtion 3: Rest[/b] [/hider]