Steve had opened his mouth to say something, try to argue the point that they surely had been moving a lot in and could use a break, when he heard Ethan’s voice. He’d heard someone coming, but it hadn’t really added up that it was probably his friend until after the man spoke. It distracted him from the conversation he’d been starting up with his roommate’s sister. A soft, a bit modest smile slid onto his face with a soft laugh. “Yeah. But you know how it is. Higher ups want things running and that’s just how it’s gotta be.” He shrugged slightly as he spoke. It wasn’t a big problem for them that Steve sometimes worked long or weird hours. It was what it took to really get his foot in the door at the firm he worked for. And it was that work ethic that had gotten him promoted to senior technician quickly. Well, that and being good at his job. Since he was single, it wasn’t like working long or weird hours was a problem for anyone except Ethan if he made too much noise leaving for a super early morning emergency or pulled long hours. It paid bills, helped him save up for trips, and was definitely helping pay off his student loans. If he kept up all the over time he was doing, he could probably pay off his debt in another year or two. “Is there anything you guys need help with? Or would like help with?” He slung the strap of his work bag over his shoulder as he followed the siblings out to the truck. While he took Olivia at her word that it was only another trip - maybe two - between the siblings to get her things upstairs, he still felt bad not being back in time to help move more in. Surely there had been a lot, or at least it had felt like a lot. Steve knew he wasn't exactly the strongest - or strongest looking - but he did stay in at least a little bit of shape. He didn't need to be muscular, but he at least stayed trim, which was better than most others that mostly sat in front of computers all day. He paused for a moment, seeming to think over the offer for a moment before he looked back at the siblings. "Actually, if you guys think you have that - why don't I go order something for everyone to eat? How about pizza? It's fast, it's easy. It's pretty much moved into a new place classic." He wasn't sure about Olivia's dietary preferences, but he kind of just figured pizza also made for a good comfort food too. There was science behind why, but he didn't put much thought into it. He did know why it was classic 'moved into a new place' food - because usually people didn't unpack their plates and pizzas were an eat by hand food.