Carl flexed his left wing out, looking at it before folding them back. "From what I can remember." He started, "I've always had them. I woke up without memory and I had wings." He continued, calm and collected. "I don't know when or how I got them, or if I got them when I was born." Carl crossed his arms softly, He closed his eyes, "I know I only have been here for about a month, but this was the first place I came." [hr] Steph's heart fluttered when he touched her, but she nodded, smiling at Benjamin. She followed him as they entered, Harriet looked up and waved at them happily. "You guys okay?" Harriet called out, "Duncan got the bill! If we're finished we can head off!" Duncan watched Steph quietly, before he looked out the window and up to the top of a building, narrowing his eyes momentarily.