[Center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/x-termination-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190809/e884c569116a7fb7e06b1057087842d8.png[/img][/url][/center] [B] Uptown Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York City[/b][hr][color=silver]"He actually did it?"[/color] Lex almost sounded as if he were in disbelief whispering the words to himself. He gave the sky his attention as he stood from a bench on the boardwalk. Lex had not witnessed Aloysius' actions, but instead interpreted the sudden streak of lightning that flashed across the night sky as a sign that the deed had been done. Lex's surprise did not sprout over the execution of an enemy, but of the acceptance of this particular execution's consequences. This reminded all that Aloysius' convictions were steel and unchallenged. [Color=silver][I]I guess this means things will ramp up even more now. And that means I'll need to start heading back to HQ…[/i][/color] Killing and death was not the objective, but it was a byproduct the Dark Shadow members accepted. Hell, there were few that gladly welcomed it. To Lex's knowledge, Aloysius had not planned to just kill someone today. His goal was to send a retaliatory message. One that was personal enough to deliver a blow that struck deep and would leave a remindful scar behind. Its effectiveness was made apparent by the powerful expulsion of electricity into the dark sky. [Color=silver]"No! Come on!"[/color] Lex shouted as two seagulls boldly swooped in on the french fries he had set down on the bench. Lex gave a quick backhanded swipe at the birds, causing them to flutter away, but it was too late. The fries had spilled all over the bench and the ground, leaving Lex with nothing he would want to eat. He could have been angrier at the winged pests, but he shouldn't have been so distracted and left food out for seagulls to do what seagulls naturally do. [Color=silver]"Take 'em then."[/color] Lex said walking away as if he truly had the authority to decide whether they could eat the fries or not. He could utterly destroy the birds, but it was unnecessary to him. He imagined that his other colleagues would take the opportunity to simply flex their magical abilities to eviscerate, flay, or twist these harmless creatures into grotesque forms. That just wasn't his thing. Minutes later, Lex found himself seated in subway train car. [color=lightcoral]"Stand clear of the closing doors, please!"[/color] The speaker announced as it always did in the train car that contained just two parties of people. Lex and the men who entered behind him and scattered themselves around the train car. Lex kept his eyes forward with a neutral expression set upon his face. Was it seriousness? Yes, and he didn't appear to be pleased at the moment either. There were deciding eyes on Lex seeking to fill a void created by greed, pride, and envy. The group of men that occupied the same train car were locked onto Lex. They actually picked him out on the platform because he was alone. Sure, he was a large man, but they had the numbers and this was not their first mugging of a larger target. Lex let out a sigh of frustration that broke the silence after the doors shut. He definitely wasn't pleased at the moment. Lex wasn't pleased that he would have to waste his time flexing his magical ability.