[center] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjViZDlmNi5VbUZqYUdWc0lFTnlhWE4wWVd4c1pTQSwuMQ,,/snowtop-caps.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] [i]“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to New York city, Local time is 08:35"[/i] flight attendant just announce. Rachel eyes open to see the airport station and look around to everyone is getting up from their seats, after Rachel give a big stretch from her nap, she got up from her seat, grab her bag from overhead bin and get out of the plane and start her new life in New York city as Guild new recruit. [hr] Rachel finally made it to her apartment in Brooklyn and it looks....craptacular but it only apartment that is cheap, so you only give what you get. Rachel unlock and door, the room was that bad but it's a little small with bed on the left side and the desk on the right side with a lamp and clock. She lay on bag on the floor and sat down on her bed, she pull out her and text her mom [right][color=0076a3]Hey mom, I made it to apartment [/color] [/right] [color=cccccc]Ok good, did you make it safe? [/color] [right][color=0076a3]Yes [/color] [/right] [color=cccccc]Did you get hurt? [/color] [right][color=0076a3]No [/color] [/right] [color=cccccc]Were you followed? [/color] [right][color=0076a3]Mom! i'm ok, I wasn't followed [/color] [/right] [color=cccccc]Sorry, I know that you want to join the guild but it getting too dangerous ever since me and your father left, I just want you to get there safe [/color] Her mother does have a point, there was a reason for her parents not telling about her birthmark and her powers. From what her parents tell her that many, I mean [b]Many[/b], magic users die from a war that lasted wars that have no end. [right][color=0076a3]Sooooo, when my guild training begin??? [/color] [/right] [color=cccccc]tomorrow morning or tonight or somewhere in between [/color] [right][color=0076a3]Ok, I guess need some rest then 😴 [/color] [/right] [color=cccccc]Ok baby, good luck out there. I love you [/color] [right][color=0076a3]I love you too, Good night [/color] [/right] When Rachel turn off her phone and about to change her clothes, She jump when hear the loudest lighting strike she have ever heard in her life, She crack open the only window in her apartment to see a big thunderstorm with blue lighting coming out of it. [color=6ecff6] ".....Let's just pretend that is not a bad omen."[/color] Rachel say to herself.