[h2]The Arena[/h2]"Hah! You talk a lot but in the end you can't handle the heat, right Horseface?" Mordred taunted in her usual coarse language as Chiron sidestepped her opening blow. Crimson lightning cracked within the dust cloud as Mordred eyed the Archer with fury. "Why do I need to bother with technique if I turn my enemies into a bloody pulp with the first strike?" Mordred answered. "Anyone who challenges the Great Mordred is fate to lose, even if I'm defeated, I'll still take them down with me!" she shouted before lunging back at Chiron only to be met with a throw from the waiting Archer. Even though she could not redirect her own momentum in this little space and stop his attack, Mordred still countered him with a headbut, using all the power she could muster to hit the Archer with her helmet as she was about to be sent flying. [h2]The Pier[/h2]Now that she could take a better look at the old man in front of them, Othis finally recognized him from the city's Servant database. While there wasn't much information regarding his identity and skills—perhaps it had been erased?—there was enough for her to formulate a deduction about his identity mainly because of the coat of arms he wore in one picture. Seeing Holmes' reaction all but confirmed her guess but there was still a matter of making her deduction known to the pair of old archnemeses. "I'm Othianne Phorensia Obberhausen, an envoy of the Atlas Institute. I would prefer if you called me Holmes' partner. I can't possibly be the Master of the World's Greatest Consultant Detective, after all," Othis said in her typical nonchalant monotone before extending a hand to the old man. "It's a pleasure to meet an influential mathematician like you, Professor. I'm a great admirer of your works," she added a moment later, testing if her theory was correct.