[@Double] Kudos for pointing out power levels will not be such stringent requirement for battle prowess. In other role plays I've seen that is often quite a limiting factor that should be avoided, which you are trying to do. The anime is often pretty bad at this once it gets into Z territory though the manga shows how technique can triumph over pure power. I feel Arcs can happen pretty much at any time and even during Sagas at times. I would say it would be a good idea to have some kind of Arc board people can look at. Since Arcs could be made by individual character stories that would be a good way to keep track of who is doing what and know what Saga is currently happening. Also it should be clear who is [i]leading[/i] a particular Arc so people don't get confused. Well don't worry about it too much, just try to avoid any [i]training[/i] arcs unless there is a story element involved. Anyway finding some time now so I'm at least interested.