Sylvia raised an eyebrow at Pylia's words. The fact that she was still tense was a little worrying. After she made her latest comment, Sylvia agreed, "I hope that's not the case either. Sure, I could hold my own in a fight, but...I don't think I can slay a dragon with punches and kicks," The thought of her being able to do so almost made Sylvia laugh, it was so ridiculous. A small chuckle did escape as she made her last statement though. She suggested, "Maybe I don't have to slay anything. Some of the stories I read about the Arisen didn't need them slaying a big monster to become an Arisen. Orchid was an Arisen because she became a powerful warlord through crafting, and the star-crossed lovers just had to figure out a way to be with each other. The one about the Zombie Apocalypse didn't have them slaying all of the undead, they just figured out an effective way to be able to defend themselves. Right?" She continued, "Well, either way. I was thinking of heading to Gransys and asking Duke Erod more about the Arisen. Considering that he got the title before sealing the dragon away, maybe he'd have some sort of clue or know something about this whole mess,"