[center][h1]Asrian Ascendancy[/h1][/center] Prince Nautilian could not stop looking at the massive shield, standing proudly in the distance. It pained him that he was forced to stay so far away. Other, less reputable, factions had taken up residence around the Shield. Probably making their desperate attempts to breach it. [b]“You’re sure of it?”[/b] He asked his lead scientist, who stood behind them. [b]“Yes sir. The shield is impenetrable through conventional means. It shares the same radiation spectrum with Ashtar shield data we found in the archives.”[/b] Nautilian turned and marched towards the large, wooden table. A luxury imported from Asra itself. It wasn’t the only luxury found in the Asrian’s camp. Nautilian could only chuckle as he realized that some poor conscripts had to camp around the shield, sleeping on a tough mattress at best. Not here. Thrall Commanders and several Orders had raised make-shift housing with climate control. The food, while not of the highest standards of the Royal Palace, was still locally prepared and served. Such opulence in a time of shadowy war could only be maintained if more than 90% of the forces didn’t eat at all. Luckily for the Asrians, that was exactly the case. [b]“High Commander Urson.”[/b] Nautilian slammed his fist against his breastplate and gave the commander a small bow. The High Commander followed suit, though his bow was far deeper. [b]“Report.”[/b] [b]“I have ten artillery commanders setting up their forces on the perimeter.”[/b] He began. The center of the table lit up in a hologram, showing the mountain the Asrian outpost had occupied. Strange, quadrupeds carrying a large cannon-like structure on their back either stood at attention or slowly lumbered towards their designated location. [b]“Furthermore, five more commanders are scouting out the terrain.”[/b] With his mind he bid the hologram to focus on a group of four hound-like Thralls running down the mountainside. One of many squads. [b]“Our location should be safeguarded by nightfall. Furthermore, we did not detect any troop mobilization against us as of yet. We’re presuming that they do not consider us large enough a threat, as we took camp further away from the Shield.”[/b] Two other commanders, part of Urson’s staff, nodded in agreement. It was only obvious that they wouldn’t. He was on Adgemnar on purely scientific reasons. A noble reason most factions at the very least begrudgingly accepted. Nautilian gave him a respectful nod and then turned to his scientist team. [b]“Do you have anything more?”[/b] [b]“Well, sir. As I said, the radiation is very alike. However, the shield appears much stronger than it should be. You see, Alpha particles are well within normal levels. Beta levels seem to be somewhat higher than normal. Theta lower but Psi-levels seem very consistent with what we’ve seen before. We believe that the Ashtar are powering this through an advanced generator of theirs. Though the exact nature of their power generation still is unknown to us. Seismometers suggest that the shield also blocks any entry underground. It’s really interesting because this makes region within the shield bubble almost entirely sealed off from the outside atmosphere. We do wonder if it lets light through. That could lead to-“[/b] [b]“Stop.”[/b] An increasingly impatient Nautilian commanded. [b]“Do you have a way to get through?”[/b] [b]“N-No sir.”[/b] The lead scientist stammered. [b]“In fact, I don’t think we can ever get through. The shield is so strong, we might not be able to develop the technology to pierce it for another three hundred years.”[/b] Nautilian slammed his fist against the table. [b]“Are you telling me that we have absolutely nothing against it!?”[/b] The lead scientist did not want to answer. However, a scientist behind him did step forward and spoke up: [b]“My Prince.”[/b] He voice was far less fearful than that of the lead scientist. [b]“There might be a way. We’ve been looking at it wrong.”[/b] [b]“Be quiet!”[/b] the lead scientist sneered. But Nautilian silenced him with just a motion of his hand. [b]“Continue.”[/b] [b]“If you would indulge my analogy: the shield is a door. We and every other faction on this planet has tried to kick it down. But it’s a door with a lock. So it has a key. Sir, I believe the solution to our problem won’t be found on Adgemnar. We will find on Manir.”[/b] A crippling silence fell over the meeting. Manir had become the downfall of the Darkstars. [b]“Are you telling me the key to all of this is on Manir?”[/b] The very name conjured disgust in his mouth. Manir, a place where the Asrians were almost at their vilest. [b]“No sir.”[/b] The scientist said, still unafraid. [b]“I think that on Manir there is a lock like this but open. If we have an open lock, we might fashion a key from it.”[/b] Another voice instantly chimed in. [b]“My Prince.”[/b] It was Admiral Volanus. [b]“I can dispatch a Darkstar fleet to retake Manir. We will bring you this key.”[/b] It was spoken like a true Admiral. Volanus might not have fought in the Great War but everyone knew his ancestors had. It were, sadly enough, also his ancestors that had nearly doomed the Asrian Ascendancy and brought great shame through their genocide. Now he wanted to right the wrong through the only way he knew: conquest. Nautilian never liked the Admiralty. It was too traditional and conservative. Never the less, it was an enticing offer. A Darkstar fleet would no doubt be able to conquer Manir once more. They were built for it. It was an easy, practical solution. [b]“No.”[/b] He said. [b]“We will not invade Manir again. Contact my sister.”[/b] [center]~[/center] Lady Olliana was one of the few Royals to enter the Admiralty. Unlike her brother she thoroughly enjoyed their traditionalist values of power and strength. Her own psionic abilities had far overtaken that of her brother. Even now she was using her innate telekinetic power to puzzle together something that looks like a shattered rubric cube. Yet not all cubes would fit. Some had magnets that attracted and repelled. It was a game of guessing for the foolish and memory for the wise. Or so Olliana liked to think. From the throne of her Eternity-Class Battleship, she tried to spot Adgemnar to no avail. She could barely see the star. Instead, she and her fleet were hiding in the radiation of a nearby gas giant. [b]“Sister. I have a task for you.”[/b] Chimed through her bridge. [center]~[/center] To be sent off to the Republic of Rolvius, that felt like a bad joke. To make her a diplomate to broker a deal with them? That was madness. She was a fighter. A warrior. She even had her own Coven. Even her father said she was born for war. He said it solemnly but Olliana had taken it with pride. It had driven her as a little girl and now she was sent of as a bootlicker? She couldn’t deny her brother’s demand though. Still, she would not go ask one of those meek, gift-bearing, desperate to please bureaucrats. Instead, she split off her main fleet with her Legacy and two Destiny-Class Battleships in tow. Accompanied by a Ziggurat and a Spire-Class Battlecruiser. Her navigators were going through all the formalities of FTL and activated the diplomatic broadcast codes on her ship. Then she was off, racing towards Rolvius where she would make her demands.