[b][I]Mikhail Chekhov[/i][/b] Mikhail blinked at that. He was likely to hurt the Snob and Peppy Ponytail? It was more likely they'd punch him in the face if they overhear. But nevertheless, apologies were in order. [b]"I'm sorry, Merja. I was assuming that -"[/b] And then someone entirely unknown interrupted. Frowning, trying to lessen his rudeness for Merja's sake, Mikhail said, [b]"Who are [i]you[/i]?"[/b] to Laurence. Then upon realizing his subject matter of interest, he introduced himself and offered a hand to shake, [b]"Mikhail Chekhov. Son of Vasily Chekhov, victim of poisoning. Glad to meet a fellow Simo Hayha fan."[/b] A brief frown, [b]"Now, what do you have to offer for this enterprise?"[/b] [i]You some rich kid or someone with talent?[/i] Were Mikhail's thoughts. [b]"Because, well, it's not like I can afford to reject any help right now."[/b] [i]Not at this point, anyway.[/i] Then of all the rotten luck, Alex decided to intrude in, and personally insult Milkhail deeper than anyone besides his father's murderer had done so. Gritting his teeth, the boy said, [b]"How chivalrous, assuming that I 'manipulate' - I'm making airquotes - people for filthy motives like one's own libido. Alex, let me make this clear: I am not interested in romance or dating or anything of that nature right now."[/b] He dared grin at Alex before saying, [b]"Just so you know, I had a much nobler cause in mind when I approached Merja - I needed someone who can purchase lab rats and laboratory supplies for me, as well as someone whom the adults will take more seriously as she's eighteen."[/b] Puffing out his chest, Mikhail continued, [b]"I intend to avenge the [Insert Nearby District of London Here] poisoning. You know, the one in which my father died? I will do what the best doctors and 'experts' in Great Britain have failed to do and decipher the chemical code of the poison that shattered my family with only my brain and some helpers. Then I will make an antidote, prevent what happened to my father from happing to others, and gain the widespread... Notoriety I need to get a platform for curbing a certain Great Power's meddling in world affairs."[/b] He glared at the other young man. [B]"Don't measure me with your tiny worldview. Not everyone lacks ambiton like you."[/b] [@Savo][@LetMeDoStuff][@Typical][@FalloutJack]