[h3]Monster Party[/h3] [quote=System:Oberon] Skill Rank Up: Lesser Flight II (2.65) > Lesser Flight III (3.05)! Stamina consumption decreased. Flight speed increased. Carrying capacity increased. Skill Gain: Faster I (1.0)! Your base physical speed is increased! By gaining the skills Harder, Better, and Stronger, Skill Synergy will occur and you will gain one rank of Physical Conditioning. [/quote] [quote=System:Digbie] Skill Gain: Minor Heal I (1.0)! The most basic of healing spells. In most cases, only surface level wounds are affected. Cannot cure diseases. May even accelerate certain conditions not healed by the body's natural recovery. Cast upon a single target within eyesight. Skill Gain: Guidance I (1.0)! Your pleas have been heard. Offer up a portion of your MP in prayer, and gain a chance to receive supernatural guidance. The effectiveness of the teachings depends on your faith--and your ability to read the signs. Does rustling grass along the path show your way, or reveal danger? Was that a whispered voice, or just the wind? Your faith will shape your journey. The better your relation with a particular deity, the more likely you are to receive their guidance. You used Plant Analysis I! You used Magic Analysis I! You used Material Analysis I! ---[color=antiquewhite]Blessed[/color] White Yill Flower--- The White Yill is a species of yill flower, a common variety of blooming flowers that grow in many habitats. While often considered pleasing to look at, it doesn't have much use. It is perennial, and its seeds ripen towards the end of summer. It normally has no magical properties to speak of, but does have a higher capacity than other plants to absorb mana. Thus it can easily be made to conduct mana or take on magic properties, so Yill flowers sometimes change into other Magical Plants depending on their environments. [color=antiquewhite]This one has been Blessed. It may ward against misfortune or provide needed guidance to those in need of forgiveness.[/color] This White Yill has been given a small amount of MP with Healing properties. This White Yill has been given a small amount of neutral MP. It has taken on a Positive Mana charge, and may be useful as a component in Crafting, Alchemy, or other processes. It is Organic, Fibrous, Weak, Edible, Non-toxic, and Low in Nutrition. You used Monster Analysis I! You used Magic Analysis I! ---Self--- You are Digbie. You are aware of your own properties and capabilities. There are currently no unusual status effects or other anomalies you are aware of. Your health seems fine. ---Analysis Complete!--- [/quote] With everyone present, it was easy to gather up all the materials Ash had dissected from the Rubber Frog and head back towards the campsite. Between the Pygmy Drake and Lesserwurm's successful hunts, and what little was left of their forage from the previous day, they had enough food to suit them for now. If they wanted to cook or prepare it in more detail, however, that might take a bit of setup. They had the stream for clean water, or at least drinkable water, and once they were together as a group again it seemed like most creatures would give them a wide berth. Oberon's new skills ticked over, as did Digbie's. The Demiblin used his analysis on the flower in his hair, as well as his new Minor Heal spell. The White Yill seemed to perk up, though it didn't grow back any of its old petals or really change. It just looked fresher, and less dried out. Digbie's other attempt at analysis didn't really tell him anything, although from the wording maybe it would have told him something under different circumstances. As he prayed in his mind...He heard nothing. No voice, no vision like before in the cave. Just the sound of his friends tramping through the woods, and the occasional easterly breeze rustling the leaves. Once again, the group had completed their objectives for the moment. With new supplies, their camp was safe and secure. It was still early in the afternoon, somewhere between one and two o'clock perhaps if they could judge by the position of the sun. They had quite a few hours to kill until evening, and Rags Nar wasn't supposed to come back with his cronies until the next day... [hr] [h3]Rat Party[/h3] Despite the weight they carried, the Rats pushed themselves. Harder, faster, adrenaline pumping through their veins, their paws pounded the earth. Mother Rat's squeal sounded out again, and now they could hear sharp clicking and scraping... [quote=System:Ed] Skill Gain: Overwork I (1.0)! Push through, break the limit, and--probably need a nap later. Expend Stamina to increase physical abilities. At this Rank, skill auto-cancels when Stamina is empty. [/quote] As the two rodents burst through the grass, they saw three more enormous insects engaged in battle with their packmate. Two of them looked the same as the creature they encountered the previous afternoon--the Myrminor Scout. The third, however, was slightly larger and darker in color. Its chitinous armor was thicker, bulkier, and its first set of legs had discernable claws at their tips that looked strong enough for gripping. Mother Rat was caught in the middle of the two scouts as they worried her from either side, but despite their positioning she was more agile. As one snapped at her, she leaped up and over its head, coming down on its back before scampering and leaping away. But there was blood on one of her rear legs, and in the thick mane of fur around her neck. One of the Myrminor Scouts had a single leg that was broken, bent at a wrong angle. The other had some scratches around its head, but there was blood and fur on its mandibles. The bigger one didn't seem hurt thus far--but after hanging back for a moment, it now lunged forward as Mother Rat hit the ground, and grabbed at her with its forelegs. She fought back with her front paws, rearing up on her hind legs and swiping at the insect's limbs to keep them from getting a grip on her--but with its bigger body it could easily bull forward and knock her over--! [hr] [h3]Ghost Party[/h3] "Mana Orb Deluxe!" Danny's words brought forth a bright light right in front of him. As the Mana Orb formed, a halo formed around it as well, like a miniature model of Saturn and its rings. With this short but partially effective chant, he blasted the frog with all his might! The crackling blast drove the creature back into a tree, hard, but Jason managed to keep his hold on it. As it took damage from the spell, Jason would notice the gray light of its soul shrinking significantly in size, leaving behind that strange bubble again. The bubble was the size the soul had originally been, but between Jason feeding off of it and Danny reducing its HP, the gray flame was dying. [quote=System:Danny] You have no MP remaining. [/quote] Jason used Transparency first, getting a good grip on the amphibian's soul. When he began using Mana Drain, the creature thrashed as if it were having a seizure, and once more its memories flooded the Ectoslime. An animal's memories were like living one's life on autopilot--the kind of monotony that came with a 9 to 5 office job, waking up, eating, working, commuting, sleeping, day in and day out with no social life, no family, no values. Joy came from physical sensation, from eating and being warm and mating. The time frame he experienced could confuse Jason, could cloud his mind, but he knew he was a person and he knew he had a personality and goals and distinct memories. [quote=System:Jason] Your MP is Full. Your enemy has no MP remaining. Mana Drain canceled. [/quote] The frog was still alive, but its soul flickered and smoldered now. It began trying to pull itself away from Danny, barely able to work its limbs as it croaked pitiably...