[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=6ecff6]Cassandra Reed[/color][/h1] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/2788d7078f0038aa51b092b67f339fb9/tumblr_optm48JIl11trp40so1_500.gif[/img] [I]Location: Outskirts of Birnin Zana, Wakanda (E,7) -> (F,8) Skills: Enhanced Condition, Hand to hand combat[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Cassandra watched as Roman took out some of the Ultron drones with his ability, and also managed to confirm that he Luminous had been killed as well. She was more of a close quarters fighter, as Susan managed to create a force field to try and coral the Ultron drones into a group. Though some had managed to get through and turned around to the other side of their formation, while another managed to shoot both Strange seeing the wound didn't look good at all either, while Shuri managed to get hit as well but was fine and managed to take out the drone. Then what happened next made her stop where she was as one of the Ultron drones managed to fly around their formation and aimed for Niah, but her best friend Bonnie taking the shot to the chest. As she watched her closest friend fall to the ground and not getting back up, tears started to go down her eyes as she watched someone else she was close to die right in front of her, remembering their earliest days together assigned to Coulson's team, and hitting it off really quickly as well. Even remembering as going as far as hiding her own sister from being put on the Gifted Index that SHIELD had at the time. She noticed that Dr. Strange wasn't looking to good either, and he had to hold the portal out. [color=6ecff6]"Get through the portal now!"[/color] Cassandra yelled towards the others, before turning towards the Ultron drone that killed her best friend and ran towards it, and tackled it to the ground, not caring what else happened to her as she started to beat down the Ultron drone and tearing it apart piece by piece. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=lightgreen]Maria Smith[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/l4Ki7tArmXltT2c9y/giphy.gif[/img] [I]Location: Serval Industries - Virginia (4,F) Skills: Archery, (Captain Marvel's Flash Precognition/Cosmic Awareness/Hyper-Cosmic Awareness)[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Maria stopped for a moment the moment that she had absorbed Captain Marvel's powers, she could see the science team over in Wakanda and from what she had witnessed as Bonnie was killed, and Dr. Strange didn't look good at all either seeing the wound. They weren't doing well right now, as soon as the vision ended. Maria looked over towards Flynn, she wasn't sure how she would be able to break the news to him about what had happened to Bonnie. She closed her eyes for a moment, knowing that no one wouldn't like the news at all especially Flynn, and finally said it. [color=lightgreen]"Bonnie's gone, she was killed by one of Ultron's drones i'm sorry Flynn.."[/color] Maria said softly. She quickly drew out her bow as Scarlet Witch started to use chaos magic on the Vision, she managed to notch three arrows with the EMP tips, and fired off three arrows, in quick succession. But all three of them just simply phased through the android with no issue at all, which started to make her even more annoyed looking over at the others. [color=lightgreen]"He bastard just keeps phasing."[/color] Maria said.