[center][b]"Yeah, no, I uh, kinda don't want to catch a cold. Sorry dude."[/b] [b]"Aren't you the guy that broke the fountain? Wild. Way to make a first impression, loser."[/b] [b]"Uh...I would, but like...I'd rather...noooot. Cute construct though."[/b] [b]"Nah."[/b] [b]"No way."[/b][/center] Yuuto at this point was infamous due to one little duel that went just a small bit awry. It wasn't his fault that the crowd gathered, after all. But even though he'd WON that duel, his ranking had already plummeted the same amount of points on account of the colateral caused. As such, he was now prohibited to fight with Fubuki around buildings, mostly having to take bouts to wide open spaces. At least, until Fubuki could figure out how to limit the initial size of her Ice Age. Having spent the entirety of the morning trying and failing to find an opponent to face off against, Yuuto's efforts bore no fruit whatsoever. Now, he was simply sitting beside his Construct, mulling over the state of affairs in his head. [color=6ecff6][b]"...I'm sorry."[/b][/color] Fubuki would say, looking to her feet. She felt responsible for Yuuto's current lack of any significant rank increase, due to her inability to "shrink" her power, only capable of having it grow over time, rather than starting small. About 35 meters was a lot of space to have to clear out, meaning that anybody challenging Yuuto would have to deal with fighting VERY specific places on the school grounds. Smiling slightly, Yuuto would put his hand on Fubuki's shoulder. [color=a187be][b]"You only did what I asked you to. The fault is mine...though I really hadn't expected rumors to spread so quickly. But, no matter. We'll prove ourselves to be above the rest in due time,"[/b][/color] he would say, his usual overconfidence making Fubuki a bit nervous, but she was at least relieved that he wasn't mad with her. Even if he was a handful, Yuuto was comforting in his own unique, full-of-himself way. Just as Yuuto rose, ready to seek out more opponents, he would hear someone cry out for help. Smiling, Yuuto would look at his watch, saying: [color=a187be][b]"Well, that took less time than I expected. If we want to prove that we're worth fighting, subduing that mutt should do nicely. Fubuki, get within twenty meters of it and begin using Ice Age."[/b][/color] he ordered, beginning to run over himself. Fubuki had been slower to rise from her seat, but her physical superiority as a Construct allowed her to overtake Yuuto quickly. As the girl entered the specified range, the very air around her gained a deathly chill, human breath becoming easily visible amidst the chill. Rough concrete was crushed smooth by ice creeping over the surface, the intricately laid out tiling rising up as the thin cold swept throughout. Now within her territory, Fubuki's speed and maneuverability suddenly rose, her rush of footsteps becoming a graceful glide as her legs gaining absurd power upon her icy playground. The previously-gargantuan stone golem was already upon the beast in a bid to grapple it, but if the bestial construct attempted to retreat, she would already be moving to intercept it. Adamas was probably barely affected by the cold, if at all. [color=6ecff6][i]"I won't lose...!"[/i][/color] Fubuki reassured herself, competitive nature manifesting as she started speeding up.