[img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQ6ON0PgWRY8mw8MHUP4qDFXS5BoTinZcBSdtMyO_Wl19OK7HjC[/img] Name: Oleda Kalyre [Guild Clerk] Race: Human Class: Witch Rank: Iron Affinities: [indent]Fire: Red and Blue[/indent] [indent]Special: Plant[/indent] Attributes [indent]Strength: Low[/indent] [indent]Intelligence: Excellent[/indent] [indent]Agility: Low[/indent] [indent]Dexterity: High[/indent] [indent]Constitution: Average[/indent] [indent]Resilience: Average[/indent] Brief Backstory: The wandering youngster appeared at the guild doorstep one day, promising aid in return for shelter. The previous guildmaster, heavily understaffed and drowning in bureaucracy at the time, reluctantly accepted. Not much is known about the witch, except that if she isn't at the guild hall then she'll be tucked away in her room experimenting with some sort of creation. She frequently issues collection missions to the members for materials she is in need of, the rewards being a part of whatever she's making at the time. Apart from supplying general goods to the guild, she deals with member registration, finances and any dealings with the kingdom. Her workload is largely never-ending, and though she rarely participates on the battlefield, she is an integral part of the guild's operation. Weapons: Gathering knife. Whatever creation she has on her at the time. Abilities: Oleda is a highly skilled crafter, particularly in regards to magical items. The most she's ever admitted to Cel of her history is that she learned potion brewing from her mother and the rest, she claims, she picked up along the way. Creations such as magic restraints, enchanted gathering knives and self-drawing maps are all within the scope of her ability. She also produces goods, with varying degrees of legality, that can be used in combat or reconnaissance. But convincing her those are worth the effort would be the greater challenge. Her fire affinity assists her with heating and cooling potions, but their application in combat remains largely untested. For those who've caught a glimpse of her residency on the second floor, it is filled with all manner of strange species she's hand-grown herself. However, many are valuable and under heavy enchantment, leading entry to be at the individual's peril.