This sounds like it could be fun. I've made a character. Let me know what you think of him. [hider=Velu Edricsson] Appearance: Just shy of six feet tall with a slender build that is stronger than his appearance would lead you to believe. His skin is fair with a light olive tone to it without any visible blemishes or adornments. His hair is wood brown with a hint of red in it and is kept short and neatly trimmed. His eyes are leaf green and deeply set in his round, youthful face, which he keeps clean-shaven. His ears taper to slight points on the top, not prominent, but enough to be noticeable. Name: Velu Edricsson Race: Elf Class: Red Mage (AKA Battle Mage) Rank: Copper (New Recruit) Affinities: Earth Water Attributes: Strength: Average Intelligence: High Agility: Average Dexterity: Low Constitution: Low Resilience: Excellent Brief Backstory: Velu was born and raised in the forest just outside the capital city of the Kingdom of Dawn. The elves of the forest, while techinically within the bounds of the Kingdom of Dawn, hold no loyalty to the kingdom or its rulers, which tends to lead to trouble when the people of the kingdom come into conflict with the elves of the forest as each will appeal to their own ruler for justice, and each ruler will almost invariably take the side of their own citizen. The enmity between the two kingdoms (for the elves consider themselves to be their own kingdom, though surrounded on all sides by the Kingdom of Dawn) is nearly as great as that which the Royal Guard have for the Adventurer's Guild. Within this climate, Velu tried his best to live as normal a life as possible, and that meant avoiding all contact with the citizens of the Kingdom of Dawn, which year by year seem to be encroaching further into the Elven Forest, be it for hunting or logging or adventure or some other reason. Unfortunately, this led to Velu confining himself to the innermost depths of the forest, which quickly became incredibly boring. Now, having grown tired of his mundane and sequestered life, Velu has left the forest, looking for what he has heard talk of among some of the people that ventured too far into the forest: The Adventurer's Guld, where he hopes to find just that, adventure. Weapons: a light, but sturdy longsowrd Abilities: Velu, like many of his brethren, was taught the use of the sword at an early age, due to the ever-present threat of conflict with the outside kingdom and the need many elves felt to defend themselves should this arise. Velu was a competent swordsman who has always trained hard, but his skill has begun to lose its edge from disuse. Velu is also an accomplished mage. He discovered his talent for magic early on and trained with one of the local magi of the forest. Most elves specialize in magic related to the earth and the life that flows from, and ultimately returns to, it. Velu's affinities lie in the earth and the water that flows through and nourishes it. He uses this magic mainly in helping to prepare land for various types of work or in bringing forth water in times of drought. His ability to use his magic effectively in combat is currently untested. He also longs to learn more practical magic that can be used in combat, either offensively, or defensively - spells to attack, and spells to protect and heal. [/hider] [@TipsyonTea] P.S. I hope it's alright that I don't have a picture. I find I'm much better at describing what my character looks like than trying to find a picture that looks like my character.