The night provided little in the way of rest. Rick was never a deep sleeper and being in hostile territory only made it that much harder to rest for a good stretch of time as the wind flowing across the tree tops kept him alerted with it's rustling noise. While this was helpful in one way in that he was harder to sneak up on while asleep but on the other hand he was definitely not going to be getting up for at least a couple hours after the morning's first light. Tucked against the base of a tree in a half-sitting position he groggily stirred, the light peaking through the canopy in a mottled array of gentle beams. His head felt like led as he gently pushed himself from the tree's cradle, standing up to observe the scene before him. [i]Well... Crap.[/i] Not a good start to this whole mission. His second was absent right as they were starting to make their way into what was clearly enemy territory. He kept his left hand settled upon the hilt of his sword as he took some steps forward. Eyeing his surroundings carefully he innately felt the presence of the piece of paper left behind. It was the only evidence left behind so far. Rick eyed his surroundings warily before reaching down and touching the piece of paper, absorbing the information left upon it.