[center][img]http://rp.alexarnold.ca/indrau/indrau_p.png[/img][/center] When the attack was sounded Indrau made little better than a fast walking pace. He wasn't a front line fighter by any means but neither were their opponents. Against a professional army he would have sat out the fight. Fighting simple bandits let him treat each opponent as a duel, defeating them before another could come to complicate things. Most of them lasted a just a couple of moves before he landed a crippling or lethal blow. Some exemplars among them lasted half a dozen before being cut down. He paced himself to keep abreast of the front line and stop himself from getting cut off. He watched with horror as the tree came down, powerless to do anything. He redoubled his efforts in fighting the bandits, taking more risks and using his bracers to parry as well as his blade.