Cs Name: Arthur Gender: Male Age: 19 Appearance: [img] http://images.plurk.com/2lDukemD9QRIQTm4VWrD.jpg[/img] Personality: Arthur is arrogant cocky and overconfident although he never makes the mistakes of underestimate his opponents he does regularly overestimate his own abilities. Arthur is a cold hearted guy who makes his decisions based on logic and reasoning rather then emotions. Arthur tends to be disrespectful to anyone who he seams weaker then him or he seams too soft or who are simply too naive. Bio: When Arthur began to show signs that he was the metal chosen one he was taken to and raised in a village full of warriors and raised to be a proud soldier from a young age. Arthur was trained how to use his powers and in hand to hand combat and swordsmanship. Arthur often wondered why his training was more intense then that of the other kids and why the village was located in the centre of a main field until his 13th birthday when he was told of prophecy and his destiny. After hearing of this especially at a young age it reassured his belief he was born for greatness because of this his confidence grow even more and he became more arrogant. As Arthur continued his training and grew stronger he began to look down on those who are weaker then him growing colder and even becoming disrespectful to anyone weaker then himself. Arthur looks forward to the day he would meet the other chosen ones and finally find people who are his equal and he would finally fulfil his destiny. Element: Metal Power: Telekinesis Location: Trapped within a Mine Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Other: