[url]https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjRsee80cTjAhWYZM0KHXIWDv4QjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwallpaperplay.com%2Fboard%2Ffemale-vampire-wallpapers&psig=AOvVaw2F3X3Fy-rCqPeoSFDb_NEw&ust=1563751235308824[/url] name: Isabella age: Unknown Maybe few hundred years. species: Vampire bio: The little memory Isabella has of her previous life, was not a good one. Poverty, Scrounging for food in the allyways behind where they would bake the bread. Having to go through the woods at night and take food from the livestock of her neighbors, getting fish out of the creek with nothing but a sharpened stick. One night Isabella wondered into the woods at the wrong time on a new moon. No light in sight, no light other than her landern with the last of a burning candle. The last thing she remembers was some rustling in the woods, an intense sharp burning sensation as if she were set on fire. Now she has wondered from place to place, village to village, never staying in one place too long. Eventually someone would notice something off, out two and two together, and try and rid themselves of her. She was considered a beast, though she was far from it. She was friendly and kind, Quiet, but none-the-less. Isabella one day came across a field where there looked to be others like her. Keeping her distance for a while she will sit and wait to make an enterance. other: Isabellas familiars are Black cats, and Ravens. (Sorry I got a little carried away with the bio. I hope this is okay.)