Full Name First, middle, and last name of your character Nickname/Alias What your character goes by Communicator Of? It says it all Age 18 or 19, make your choice Gender hi Appearance You know that picture you put? Well, you gotta describe it now. 1 ¶ min. Personality How your character acts around other people. 2-3 ¶ min. Residence Before Avalon, what country/place did your character come from? Brief Bio The whole tragic backstory 9 yards. Same limits as personality. 1-2 ¶ min. Reason For Choice Why did your God choose you as their Communicator? 1¶ Weapon What weapon(s) does your character use? Certain Gods may bestow their unique weapons upon their Communicators (i.e. Mjolnir, Poseidon's trident, Gae Bulg, etc. Powers The three powers your character was imbued with. They are three abilities of any kind, relating to their respective God's field and powers. Explain with some detail. I. II. III. Other Whatever you want to put here, put it down. Theme song, hobbies, whatever fluff you need.