Cursed timezones why are you all awake [i]now[/i]. Gahh. Well, update on lore. May as well tell you about an important aspect of the world: The Rift. [hr][center][h3]General Info[/h3] The Rift is a realm of energy that exists between lands. Some consider it the original source of magic. Some theorise it is the final resting place for all. Regardless, very little is known for sure. The existence of the rift is only known through what people called 'dungeons'. Passageways that appear seemingly at random throughout the world, and lead to lands of completely different types. Many adventurers risk their lives searching for rarities to bring back. In reality, 'Dungeons' are tears in the rift. Without an energy source they will close on their own after a week or so (trapping whoever may be on the other side). However, those that don't, and are left to grow steadily bigger, may eventually form what are known as Ravines. Permanent scars that warp the land in unpredictable ways. [h3]Darkwood Ravine[/h3] The only confirmed instance of a Ravine. As you travel deeper and deeper into the main forest, the energy of the Rift becomes apparent. Creatures are darker. More ethereal. The trees become larger, and animals appear of ancient and monolithic size. If one strays far enough, they may realise there is no end to the forest. But by that point they have lost all chance of making it out. [h3]Deep Sea Ravine[/h3] Some researchers believe a Ravine may have formed in the trenches along the ocean floor. Most likely below the ever stormy waters of the Southern Seas. If it does indeed exist, it may well be the source of the monstrous sea creatures roaming the depths. [/center]