It was a huge relief to know that Ajoran and Hadian were alright. She guessed she didn't have reason to believe they wouldn't be, but it still felt good to know beyond doubt that they were. She couldn't help a small smile. Something within her stirred, some drive that made her resolve that when she did see Ajoran again, she was going to become his, and make him hers, customs be damned. She wasn't sure who would marry them considering that she was still technically an outlaw and an exile and he was still Taja to one of the Sols. But idea struck her. Darin could do it. She would have to teach her the words to say and the traditions of the ceremony, but as Seed Bearer, she could do it. And they could marry in secret with just their family in attendance. She'd have to ask Darin about it later and see if she was willing. Ridahne gave a small laugh, though the mention of 'sides' unnerved her. What was that supposed to mean? "I don't know how the meeting with the Sols will go. For one thing, there's probably by now a new Sol I know nothing about to replace Khaltira, and maybe she's picked a successor, I don't know. But Sota-Sol Amaiera is just. A bit of a hard-ass, maybe, but she is just and has proven to be wise. She's run Azurei for something like four hundred years. And I know Darin has sort of a bad opinion of her and the others after all that happened with me. But they aren't like Khaltira. Don't let her be too angry at them, if you can help it," Ridahne chuckled, "They did what they had to do, like I did. I don't blame them for it and they were kinder to me than they could have been. No, my anger, and Darin's, should be directed at Khaltira instead." Some really, evil, wicked part of her thought for the briefest flash that Ridahne should have cut the woman's face before she killed her. According to Azurei belief, if an ojih is severely marred, falsified, or otherwise permanently obscured, the person could not pass into the next life and would remain as a lost spirit between two worlds. But even in Ridahne's intense anger, she shuddered and shied away from that thought. No, that was too cruel a fate for anyone, even her. Ridahne smiled. "I am looking forward to the expressions on their faces when they see me come walking in with the Seed Bearer at my side. I don't think anyone ever really thought I'd find her, even me." Ridahne watched Darin's body perform acrobatics the human girl wouldn't attempt on her own, and some part of her wondered if the girl was clumsy and uncoordinated not because her body was lacking, but because she lacked confidence. Maybe she'd change that. Though Ridahne smiled, her tone was serious. "I would never hand her a blade in training prematurely. I recognize she will have to have one in case things go very wrong out there, but when it comes to training, we will not start with blades until I know she is ready. Besides, the art of swordplay begins with the body, not with the weapon--you must know what to do with the weapon when it is given to you, or you will hurt yourself. I would like to think, Great Tree, that I will be a better teacher than mine was. A kinder one. A more patient one."