[hider=The Republic of Tushina] Name of Nation: The Republic of Tushina [hider=Species] The Too'ave: The Too'ave (or Beastmen as they are better known) as a people were created eon's ago by a minor empire that has been forgotten to history. Rich and powerful in magic, the ruling class of the Forgotten Empire decided to employ their talents to make... alterations to those who made up the lower stones of society in order to make them better suited to handle the tasks required of them. The process was not uniform; The magi of the Empire were largely free to experiment as they wished and a combination of different beliefs about what tool was right for a job or differing circumstances resulted in many different kind of beastmen being created from a wide range of animals for the same basic job of their caste. Rather than try to intervene and regulate what animals were to be used when creating beastmen, the ruling class of the Empire had a different idea; While nature was a good source of inspiration to draw from, time and circumstances would be where the true gems would be found among the filth. Therefor, it became law that the magi creating beastmen would go the extra step and ensure that their creations would be able to cross breed with each other and produce offspring. The theory was that traits that proved positive for working within a caste would thrive and pass on to the next generation while the less useful would slowly be faded out with time... and if the cream of the crop were to crossbred, that would result in children better suited for their role in life then their parents. While the regulations and laws of the Forgotten Empire were discarded when the Empire met its brutally swift end, their decision to allow the different species of Beastmen to be able to interbreed with each other regardless of what animal they were originally based on resulted in the Too'ave: Due to eons of crossbreeding and the size of the original number of animals that the Beastmen were based on, grouping the Too'ave in sub-categorizes by species is not possible. The 'standard' Too'ave is an amalgamation of different animal traits that they have inherited from their ancestors (normally related to their caste, but love and lust have played their role in history). Most are humanoid to various degrees, but other body structures aren't that uncommon (with quadrupedal Too'ave being the most common of these deviations). [/hider] [hider=Culture and Society] Too'ave (and by extension, Tushina) culture and society is built on the idea of castes. Their ancestors were forcefully changed from their original forms in order to serve the Forgotten Empire by fulfilling a certain task that the beastman was suited for. Originally what caste someone belonged to was reasonably simple to figure out: Beastmen of animals better suited for working underground were apart of the labor caste as miners while beastmen of big, strong predators like wolves and bears were generally in the military caste. Time, crossbreeding and the destruction of the Forgotten Empire have forced the Too'ave to perform a number of reforms to what was originally a very simple caste system created by their former masters in order to adjust to their changing circumstances over the years. The two major ones that have shaped current day Tushina are recorded in history as 'The question of leadership' and 'The question of individual abilities'. 'The Question of Leadership' is the title of the period of history in relation to the destruction of the forgotten empire and the founding of the republic of Tushina. When the beastmen were originally created and sorted into castes, the original rulers of the Forgotten Empire were the ruling caste by default... their sudden destruction due to their lust for more power and greed removed a key pillar of society regardless of what the Beastmen of the day actually thought of them. The following years were a somewhat chaotic and savage time as the various legions of the military caste found themselves lacking higher leadership to unite them and the skills required to get the supplies needed to survive and function as a fighting force. Each legion had to come up with an answer to this problem on their own. Some gathered what resources they could (either by purchasing supplies from their fellow beastmen... or just outright sacking them for it) and left for other lands intentions that ranged from becoming mercenary bands to outright conquering and subjugating a new home for themselves or die trying. Others stayed closer to home, offering the other castes protection from outside threats in exchange for resources and food and creating their own city states (ranging from peaceful co-existence between the castes due to diplomatically uniting to the legion outright enslaving the other castes and ruling as despots). This period would last less then fifty years, with minor wars breaking out with relatively regular frequency. The reason for this relatively short period of unrest and division had everything to do with diplomacy. The Too'ave city states that were founded more by diplomatic means and generally had better relations between the castes were inclined to reach out and be friendly with each other, often having trade deals and defensive pacts against their more self absorbed, despot neighbors who only really interacted with them when they waged brief wars to try and claim resources or raids to enslave some fresh blood while the more despot city states were more concerned about keeping their slaves from rebelling and paranoid about raids trying to steal their hard earned slave labor. The more diplomatic city states banded together and over the next few decades would take advantage of the distrust of their more tyrant like neighbors to pick them off one by one, invading and liberating their fellow Too'ave. When the last hold out fell and the Too'ave city states were united, the matter of what happened next was raised. After some debate, an answer was reached; They would create a new government to unite them all. However rather then create a designated ruling class, they decided on a method that would ensure that all Too'ave would have some degree of a say in how they were lead. Every caste in every city would elect three representatives that would represent not only their caste, but also their city and the surrounding lands. The first representatives would serve for five years... before one seat in each of the city castes would go up for re-election. The following year the second of the three caste seats would go up for re-election and the last seat would be voted for the year after. The idea was that by only having a third of the governing body being voted for at a time over three years instead of all at once ever five, the desires and needs of the people would be reflected and refreshed by the introduction of new blood and ideas but without having to uproot the government completely and causing a period of confusion that risks undoing any work or projects that were being worked on at the time. 'The question of individual abilities' was a social movement that came about due to the city state period in Tushina's history. Originally even without the Forgotten Empire enforcing the caste hierarchy, the various castes tended to select their partners among their own caste: It was just practical to hook up with those you spent almost all your time with anyway and your children would be better suited to your lifestyle. However, the age of city states prior to Tushina forming caused some... issues with the old system. In places where all the castes were on good terms and worked together, there were always the odd pair of lovers who found each other across the caste divide. In despot held cities the military ruling class more or less just laid claim to whomever they bloody well wanted as their whims dictated. The result of all this were offspring who were less specialized for a given caste, but in return also were a bit more versatile in what they could do. What to do with these 'casteless' children was a matter of debate among the first incarnation of the Tushina's republican government. Sadly, it would take almost twenty years before a compromise outcome between the more conservative and liberal members of Tushina was reached. The caste system would remain, but Too'ave would not be born into a caste. Instead, when they reached maturity they would elect to join a Caste that they believed would best suit themselves and their talents. Swapping castes during this 'probation' period was allowed, but normally someone would find their place in society before they reached full adulthood. An important part of Too'ave culture that needs to be understood is their seeming rejection of magic despite the sizeable amount of crystal within their boarders. Part of this had to do with their masters in the Forgotten Empire going to great lengths to make sure that their beastmen slaves/servants didn't understand how to use magic in order to prevent them from using it against them, but the main reason that the Too'ave don't pursue magic beyond the most basic of rituals is because of the fate of their former masters. When the Forgotten Empire dug to deeply and ended up reducing the former heartland of their empire into a chaotic magical hellscape that is -still- dangerous to visit to this day the Too'ave might not understand exactly [i]what[/i] happened to cause it, but they understood enough to know that it was because of magic and thus they developed a -very- healthy respect for it. Enough so that they generally leave it the hell alone. There is an industry to mine the crystal for the tiny amount that they use for themselves and some that they trade to other kingdoms, but it is heavily regulated and kept to an absolute minimum. Religion wise, Tushina doesn't have one. Turns out knowing who created you and why takes a lot of the guesswork out of life. The closest thing to it is a debate that comes up every now and then: Did the Magi of the Forgotten Empire create them by taking animals and turning them into humanoids, or did they take humans and infuse them with animals? Despite some rather intense debate on the subject, no one actually knows the answer for sure since any record of the truth that might have survived is currently smack dab in the middle of a blighted magical hell that no one is inclined to go and investigate. That said, each of the Castes have their own spiritual quirks that have been developed over a period of time. These beliefs tend to be limited to their parent caste simple because they tend to relate to the day to day life of the members of the caste in question while rarely being something that other castes need to concern themselves with, but most Too'ave will have at least a general idea of the habits of other castes even if they don't understand the meaning behind them. For example: The Military Caste have something of ancestor worship kind of deal going on. Out of all the castes, they are the ones who care the most about those who came before them due to the fact that they actually have some of the oldest records of Too'ave kind via the legion songs. Each legion has their own collection of songs in relation to their history, be it battles they've won or lost, heroes of the legion, ect... some of which date back to the time of the Forgotten Empire when the Too'ave weren't allowed to record their history physically. As such, each Legion has its own collection of battle saints and paragons who the current members of the Legion view as how to be an ideal champion of the Military Caste. While each legion has their own patron paragons, the Military Caste makes the effort to have all of them known and pay respects to them all as the 'Paragons'... including the Unknown Champion. The Caste knows that due to the natures of oral tradition and war that the songs of many champions and heroes of the legions were lost and unable to be recovered... so they created the Unknown Champion as a symbolic representative of those who's efforts, sacrifices and triumphs are no longer sung about. Meanwhile, the Merchant Caste are the most religious of all of the Castes since they have a habit of collecting deities from the civilizations that they trade with: Namely, they collect deities that promote trade or protect merchants/travelers/ the innocent. They don't see an issue with having a mixture of shrines or churches to their adopted patrons since due to the nature of these deities it would be strange if they didn't at least have a professional working relationship with each other as individuals. While individual Merchant Caste members might have their own personal patron deity, most will happily give other deities the Caste has adopted some praise every now and then. There are two primary reasons that they have adopted such a stance. The first is that it tends to be beneficial to understand the beliefs and values of ones trading partners in order to tailor trading deals and business arrangements so as to be more appealing to them as well as earning a degree of goodwill by having knowledge and worshiping a shared god. The second is that there is no real harm in the practice and a little bit of divine good will could be the difference between a bountiful shipment and utter disaster. Each Caste has their own little quirks, making Tushina's cities something of a mixture of different culture that were all created by the Too'ave [i]in Tushina.[/i] [/hider] [hider=History] ??? - Birth and service of the Too'ave. The Too'ave do not know exactly when they were created since they were not allowed to pursue things like education or the history of the now named Forgotten Empire. Nor do they know how long exactly they served their former masters. They understood the concept of time and thus knew that they served their masters for years, if not centuries but their masters refused to let the beastmen make historical records of their own. Year 0: The destruction of the Forgotten Empire. The Forgotten Empire prided itself on its mastery of magic and the raw amount of it that it had access to. Their pride and greed for power would be their undoing in the end; They mined their heartland for crystal to deeply, causing a catastrophe that consumed the heart of the Empire in a hellish, chaotic storm of magic. The Too'ave (or beastmen as they were known at the time) largely survived the incident because they were on the fringes of the empire. As the lower castes in charge of the down to earth tasks that kept the Empire running, they were doing their jobs when the capital ceased to exist. Year 1-50 (ish?): The Question of Leadership. Better known as the warring city states period of Tushnia's history, without the guidance or resources from the ruling caste of the Empire to unite them anymore, the various legions of the military caste were forced to ask the question of how they were going to survive now since their only real talent was combat. The 'answer' to the problem often came down to the legion in question. Some gathered supplies in one way or another and went to find their fortunes elsewhere, be it as mercenaries or as conquerors. Most however stayed 'closer to home' and tended to make arrangements with members of the other Castes with various degrees of diplomacy, good will... or just straight up force depending on the legion in question. Thus began the warring city states period. The period came to an end around fifty years later (the exact year is up for debate), due to the more diplomatic minded city states joining forces and picking off the despot cities whenever an opening presented itself to liberate their fellow Too'ave. When the last city fell, the victors discussed amongst themselves what to do now... and as a result, formed the Republic of Tushina. More to be added with time. [/hider] [hider=Territorial Claims] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/e3ab6576-4931-4f7d-9b3c-348c85cd2be5/ddc1al9-a3b4f2db-cde8-4931-9461-8edce83801ce.jpg/v1/fill/w_1264,h_632,q_70,strp/map_by_kiue_ddc1al9-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NjQwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZTNhYjY1NzYtNDkzMS00ZjdkLTliM2MtMzQ4Yzg1Y2QyYmU1XC9kZGMxYWw5LWEzYjRmMmRiLWNkZTgtNDkzMS05NDYxLThlZGNlODM4MDFjZS5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.fcv-Y8jiqfzviVfadZe71sluAxdgIHLLa1b2ZH2z6e4[/img] [/hider] [hider=Economy:] While far from the strongest economy in the world and by no means the greatest of traders, Tushina's caste system does have its benefits when it comes to the distribution of wealth. While all Castes go to get efforts to provide bountiful employment to all of its members at all times, sometimes that is just not possible... So in order to ensure that all citizens are taken care of and can survive just fine, every year each citizen gets paid from the government a sum of money that, while by no means is enough to thrive, is more then enough to cover basic costs such as shelter and food for the year. Due to the fact that each Too'ave deeply wants to fulfill the role that their caste asks of them, the idea of simply taking this payment and not giving anything back is unthinkable to them. Free from the stresses of having to earn enough to cover food or to pay rent, the Too'ave are some of the happiest workers on the face of the planet... and with the additional funds that they earn via working, they are general free to purchase things or improve their living conditions. While Tushina isn't the wealthiest of nations, its wealth is spread out to all rungs of society rather then being concentrated up near the top. Tushina's location is part of the reason for its strength then it comes to trade. There are only two ways into the lands east of Tushina: Be side or through Tushina itself. It is the only land route into the frozen lands beyond... and the former heartland of the Forgotten Empire. Both of these attractions actually provide plenty of trade benefits, since the former is home to certain animals and plants that simply do not grow down in the warmer areas of the south. As for the latter... the magically blighted lands offer a grave risk to explorers who do not know the frozen land, but having lived in the shadow of their master's grave for centuries the Too'ave have more then a solid idea of where the boundaries between life and uncertain death lay. This is important, because the heartlands of the Forgotten Empire back before it was blighted were incredibly wealthy with magic, machine and treasures that were all lost to the world when the Empire destroyed itself out of greed for more. While most of these things are still lost to the fallout and are beyond salvaging range, after a few centuries the edges of the ruined empire have recovered enough that those brave enough and knowledgeable about how far they can safely go can collect enough treasures of the fallen empire to make a sizable fortune. The Too'ave tend to do much better then explorers and collectors at avoiding having their skin turned inside out... or having their skin independently come alive and wanting to consume the rest of the person... or turning into a living gingerbread man. They also export some of their magical crystal... but not much. Despite their land having access to large stockpile of the stuff, Tushina heavily regulates mining it in order to try and avoid what happened to the east repeating yet again. [/hider] [hider=Army] There is a small joke that is told in Tushina. The Republic of Tushina doesn't have an army. The Tushinain army has a nation. The military caste of Tushina has long played a major role in shaping the development of the nation. Not only were they instrumental in ending the warring states period and uniting the Too'ave to be stronger then ever, but the very period itself was brought about by the splintering of the legions when the Forgotten Empire ceased to exist. Once the republic was formed, the military caste would be one of the founding castes and would always have a part to play in the politics of the nation centuries later. To be apart of the military caste of Tushina is to be apart of the oldest, most prestigious of the castes while marching in one of the greatest land armies the world has ever known. It did not start out that way. The beastmen were originally created to be cheap, disposable but effective cannon fodder for the Forgotten Empire's armies. They weren't given any training or equipment and those poor bastards originally created who weren't completely driven into a bloodthirsty insanity by the process were either drugged or altered a little more with magic in order to get them in the right mindset to be pointed at a target with the expression intention of killing as much of it as possible before being taken down. As the process started to be more refined, the Magi creating the beastmen started to notice that their creations weren't completely mindless. Some didn't care and just did the whole berserk thing they had done before, but some of them decided to experiment to see if their creations could be made into proper solders. The results were so overwhelmingly successful that beastmen for things other then military applications were created and the Too'ave came to be. Once it became clear that the beastmen could be made into amazing foot solders rather then just being 'organized' into hordes to be thrown at the enemy, instead they were actually given some basic training and equipment before being organized into legions. While initially the legions were little more then just what beastmen were available to be thrown into military groups to make up the numbers, with time and war the legions started to develop their own sense of identities and histories. While they were banned from writing down their histories, the legions developed an oral tradition of song in order to remember their victories, defeats and the glories of heroes of the legion in question. Despite the fickle nature of war and the ease in which things passed down orally can be lost, there are some modern day Tushina legions that managed to preserve some of the songs from the time of serving in the Forgotten Empire, giving them the prestige of having a legion that not only has managed to survive for centuries but was also old enough that the risk of losing its history after one bad day was a serious concern. Once they could actually write down their history they did so and continue to do so to this day, but even the modern day legions continue to right and sing the songs of their legion's achievements. The modern day military caste of Tushina has had centuries to develop and refine itself into one of the strongest fighting forces on the planet. While the legions themselves still maintain their own identity and favored tactics, the crossbreeding and development of different traits makes fighting a Too'ave solder a nightmare for most other armies for the simple fact that no two Too'ave are exactly alike and they don't know what exactly the solder in front of them can actually do or what weapons they have access to. Claws and fangs are fairly common and some tails can be employed in combat in ways that the average human fail to account for, but once you start taking venom and poison into account and the fact that some of them can actually spit acid alongside a whole range of other tactics and tricks that nature has provided and even veteran solders who have earned their veteran status fighting Too'ave don't fully know what to expect in the next encounter. [/hider] [hider=Navy:] Compared to the army, the Tushina navy is actually a more recent development. Unlike with the use of magic, which is heavily regulated due to a deep seated cultural fear, the Too'ave lacked a navy for quite a long time simply because... they didn't have one nor did they really know how to produce one. While the Forgotten Empire was fairly liberal when it came to creating different types of beastmen to fill in certain roles in society, for reasons that are not entirely clear they never produced beastmen to take over naval operations. Maybe they didn't want beastmen to be able to sail ships to prevent forces from moving quickly in the event of an uprising? Maybe they did make attempts to create ocean based beastmen but the results were either not promising or outright troublesome? No one knows the reason, but since the beastmen had no experience with sailing they had no naval caste in place when the Forgotten Empire self destructed. This was followed by the warring states period of Tushina's history, which was for lack of a better term a land locked civil war. Once Tushina was formed, there were no Too'ave's alive that had any knowledge of ship building or how to sail the seas. Despite the rather late start to learning how to produce ships, sail or battle on water, Tushina has spent the years since its foundation wisely in many regards and learning how to do all three of the above was high on its to do list. By no means would anyone call their fleet world shaking, but considering where they started the current result is actually rather respectable. [/hider] [hider=Traits:] [b]Nature is venomous: [/b] If there is one thing about nature that is consistent, it is that venom is a tool that it employs in lots of interesting and often fatal ways. Due to the way that Too'ave inherit animal traits, almost all of them have some kind of venom to some degree. The exact effects of said venom various from Too'ave to Too'ave, since the end result is often a mixture of whatever venomous creatures makes up their biology. This makes curing a Too'ave's venom somewhat difficult since a total cure requires accounting for [i]all[/i] of the different venomous creatures that make up the Too'ave: Figuring out that you need the anti-venom of a certain breed of snake doesn't help you if you don't have the anti-venom to counter the other equally poisonous reptile that is killing you. [b]Nature is Strong... but hungry:[/b] It was no secret that the original Beastmen were primary created for war and hard labor. While variations would be created with time and development, that raw physical power still lingers in the Too'ave to this day. However, tapping into such raw physical power comes at a cost. While all Too'ave -can- become physically walking powerhouses that match any human demi god, only those in the military and labor castes are inclined to do so: The stronger a Too'ave physically gets, so too does their hunger for meat. While cooked is preferred, it isn't strange for the strongest of Too'ave champions to have a reputation for eating those they have slain raw during a battle. (-3 to Land Fertility due to needing a larger meat diet) [b]Built for War:[/b] Since the original Beastmen were created to be weapons of war, even after the creation of several non combatant castes there has always been a degree of that old war like mentality in the physical form of all beastmen... even if mentally such an idea was laughable. Too'ave have +4 points towards the Land Power tree. [b]Monstrous to behold:[/b] The Too'ave standards of beauty are [i]very[/i] different from those of other species. The most beautiful or handsome of the Too'ave would, in the eyes of a human (or humanoids that weren't animal based enough) would at best be akin to staring into the unnerving abyss of the uncanny valley... and at worst be mistaken for one of the magically created horrors that are known to prowl the blighted lands of former magical empires that dug to deeply into their crystal mines. The only exception to the rule are the Merchant and Diplomatic castes, who's Too'ave have gone to get lengths to breed a cute, cuddly and socially acceptable physical form so they can mingle with other kingdoms. [b]Blood of a Predator:[/b] The Tushina army is one of the greatest to walk the face of the planet. Despite their appearances they are more then just savage beasts, having had centuries to refine their training and discipline processes in order to produce some of the greatest solders to ever exist. However, no amount of training or discipline would ever truly be able to completely override some of the animal instincts that linger at the deep, dark core of the Too'ave of the military caste. While they can (and will) fight large scale battles, the truth of the matter is that the Too'ave fight best as a small pack then at what other kingdoms deem a military unit. Predatory instinct haunts the Too'ave with a simple equation: The more predators that take down a kill, the less meat there will be for the individual predators. While this sense doesn't stop them from acting as a army, when it comes to the combat itself the size of a Tushina 'warpack' varies on the experience of the Too'ave who make it up. A bunch of rookie Too'ave in their first few proper battles might band together in a group of four to five (through six isn't completely unheard of, even if it is rare in practice) while more veteran Too'ave might team up in packs of two or three. The greatest legends of the Too'ave military caste are the monstrous predators who can stalk the battlefield alone and not only survive but thrive there. 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