Dia nodded as Benjamin left, she stayed in her seat. She waited for a moment before she allowed Ray back in control. Ray slightly jolted when she was allowed back in, blinking and looking around before looking at her empty plate, which was quickly picked up from another staff member. "Why do you do this to me.." She whispered under her breath before she sighed. At least she had eaten now, even if Dia did it without her control. Sara glanced over to Marc when he asked her out, her face bright with Blush. "Oh.. Uh" She started, "I... I don't know if I'd be... Allowed?" She continued, trying not to stammer over her words, "I mean, I...I'd love to! B...But I don't know if Au- Vivian w...would let me." The car drove up to the institute, Josh stepping out of the car with a hood over his head. He flexed his hands as he slowly blinked. He breathed out shakily before he steadied himself. "Right." He said as he moved to enter, "New work day. Feeding done."