Drake gave a small huff as Alister mumbled towards him, "You're welcome." He said. As soon as Alister hopped up off of him, he switched back to his human form, slipping on some underpants on quickly before he walked past the table towards his stuff. "I'm ready when you are." Drake said with a joking sneer, for once he felt like he could be cheeky without any worry. He moved to slip on some pants and looked around the hay for a top. "Murr." He said out loud in annoyance before a top floated over to him and landed on his head. Drake shook his head and glanced towards the door, which slowly closed as he looked over. He gave a small smile before he pulled the top over his arms and moved it over his head to pull it softly down his chest. "As Becca said," Drake started, "If you ever need blood bags, she has some. Don't be afraid to ask her." [hr] Andrew flinched when Valeria hung over his neck. "Oh! You're back." He said with a shaky smile, before he looked over the food, "O..Oh. You've spoiled me." He said with a laugh, he moved to grab a donut before he slid the first file over to the other Fae. "His name is Jack, he's 23 years old. The most experienced of the group." He started, taking a bite, "He got into Vampire hunting because his childhood Girlfriend got bitten and became a Vampire and ran away from the village because of it."