Isabella smiled at Peter. "[color=9e0b0f][i]That is good to know. I haven't found that yet."[/i][/color] She looked at MArigold and Peter and looked at the with a happiness she hadn't felt in a while. Probably since the cats became a part of her little family. [color=9e0b0f][i]"I am happy that you two have found eachother, but if you excuse me for a moment it looks like we are not the only vampires in this clearing."[/i][/color] Isabella nodded over to where Persephone was and where Hades was making his way to. Hades caught up to where Isabella was standing and stood close to her. He was actually pretty short. [color=00746b][i]"Should we?"[/i][/color] He asked her cautiously. [color=9e0b0f][i]"We should."[/i][/color] Isabella said as they started walking torwards the stranger and Persephone.