[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/4hEyEbB.png[/img] [@PlatinumSkink][/center] Amelia smiled, happy to see that one of the Yamasks was more then willing to join her on her journey around Isson. She once again reached out and rubbed it's head before turning around. She didn't want to capture it yet. She wanted to give each of the three she was going to capture and equal chance of joining her current team before capturing them. With the Yamask confirmed, Amelia went and got the Golett and Honedge that Aegislash had pointed out to her before speaking to all three of them now. "[color=a187be]It's a pleasure to meet all three of you. My name is Amelia and I'm a trainer. Lord Aegislash has allowed me to take you all out of the tomb and with me on my journey. However, I will only take you with me if you are willing to join me. I will not force you from your home for my own selfishness. And also, even if all three of you join me, you will not be able to join me right away. Two of you will be sent to someone else. However, I will make it my goal to find them and try and make it so that you can join me and my other partners, even if I cannot use you at the time. Because I want us to be like a big group of friends, if not like a family. So, if you're willing to join me, please let me know. And if you all do decide to come, let us discuss which of you will be journeying with me first[/color]." Amelia said.