Blackout Rebel Camp Karnariel sighs. Lexianna is persistent on getting him to talk. He considers it for a moment. Then decides against it. "Karnariel wants the Lords dead, Valkyrie especially, because they directly brought about the death of his parents." Jaylen says poking his head back into the tent. Karnariel looks furious. "Say not another word or" "Or what? You'll kill me? Strike me? Banish me?" Jaylen steps back into the tent. "I don't answer to you." Karnariel is livid. Visibly fuming. He storms out of the tent pushing past Jaylen who doesn't step entirely out of the way. With Karnariel gone Jaylen rolls his eyes. "That man is dangerous Lexianna. He is filled with hate and malice. I don't blame him. When the dimensions fell he was here in the mortal world. An emissary to the royal family. You see, long ago Karna brought fire to human kind. The ones he bestowed this gift were christened Starborn. I'm assuming you can guess that the royal family surname is. Karnariel tried to flee the castle with the two princesses but was stopped by his half sister Kara Sun. The Valkyrie. Karnariel only managed to escape with Stella, the younger princess, because Sabra, the elder princess, sacrificed herself to stop Valkyrie. Karnariel has been hiding the young princess for the last ten years." Jaylen continues his long winded explanation without breaking stride. "You see the late Starborn King was warrior beyond measure. But to stop the Great War exacted a heavy toll. The Gift of Stars was never meant to wielded by humans. It sears their body and soul eventually leaving a more and more frail husk until, eventually the fires overtake the vessel. And they perish in an inferno that leaves to traces of their physical being. Such was the result of many Starborn. Indeed almost all. Save for the late king." Jaylen say set himself back at the table and is finishing his orange slices. "The late king had enough constitution to father three children. Kos, Sabra, and Stella. Kos, the only male, was the Regent. He locked his father away in a tower and ruled by might and fear. He hoarded wealth and finery. He was harsh and often cruel. All the corruption in the land could be traced directly back to him. In a way, you could say that he was responsible for creating the Lords. He was also the only child to inherit the Gift of Stars." Jaylen having finished his orange gets up and waves goodbye to Lexianna. The leaves her alone in the tent. After a moment the tent flap opens. Nicholas enters and sets his gaze on Lexianna. "You got the sphere." He says quietly. "I need help with something." Nicholas explains that the Sun Cloaks, though fierce, are missing their Bright Blades. The Bright Blades of the Sun Cloaks were arrested for treason and imprisoned in East Point. Nicholas asks Lexianna to accompany him to rescue the Bright Blades and strengthen the Sun Cloaks battlefield presence. "Please, I know that if you are with us we can save them. They aren't just soldiers. They inspire their comrades and can turn the tide of decisive battles. They represent hope. Something we desperately need in these times." Smough's Flagship Smough's eyebrows raise at the sight of the Jolly Roger. "Oh?" Smough opens his mouth and fish hooks his cheek to reveal a jolly roger tattoo on the inside of his cheek. He removes his hand and laughs. "I thought the black flag was just where I'm from. Good to know that elsewhere are similar customs." Smough laughs repacks his pipe and takes a long drag. "Sia, let's go!" Raia calls for Sia from the barge with women and goats. Smough hands Sia the rest of his pouch of tobacco. "We'll have to trade stories sometime."