[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/8ih7nopgh/2839c44382003e9256bef6b48c73e9b8.png[/img][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@KazAlkemi][@ColouredCyan][@eclecticwitch] [@Kirah][@Trainerblue192][@Achronum][@Framing A Moose][/center][hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190722/72daad78609d1df2346aae13bb2851bd.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [color=3E3E81][b][i]The Palace[/i][/b][/color] [hider=Map of Palace Grounds][img]https://i.ibb.co/q7L8FdH/Ho-M-Palace-Grounds.png[/img] You don't need to put a grid number here yet for where your character is, this is just mainly so you have an idea of what the grounds are like when you post and what I'm going to mention in this section.[/hider] Pietro just stared at Guin, a bit confused by what it was that she was saying. Wanda changing the world? He knew his sister well, and he didn't even think she could pull that off. Why would she even want to? He believed her about the whole thing of someone changing the world, but he just couldn't believe that Wanda would do that at all. [color=7ea7d8][i]"...I believe you Guina but... Someone else has to be behind it, Wanda would never do that at all! She wouldn't have a reason to!"[/i][/color] It was obvious he was defensive and protective of his sister, and odds were that Guin wouldn't be able to tell him otherwise about her changing the world. With the Red Guard and James finished with his conversation with Klara, they were led into a side room with a table that had a spread out of the Palace grounds on it. [color=A4FFFC]"Well the Palace guards were kind enough to loan us a map of the grounds, so we know where the execution will be and where the majority of the resistance group will be should they actually make an appearance. But odds are that they will. Now, we need to keep an eye on the crowd, since they might see about merging into the group in order to blend in. So if you see anyone else acting suspicious, do not hesitate to go and investigate,"[/color] she said, before a door opened, and in walked Flynn. [color=639A5E]"So, you all are planning what to do?"[/color] [color=A4FFFC]"Yes, we were just mentioning where we'd need to be or where we'd likely need to keep an eye on things in case the rebels appear,"[/color] she said, before giving the prince a kiss on the cheek [color=639A5E]"Yeah, well just let us know, as there will be a few other guards around, with quite a few keeping an eye on things in the Palace should anyone actually decide to intrude during the execution. I'll be keeping an eye out on the crowd and such too, as I'll be there, as well as my brother, so we can help out in a pinch if need be."[/color] [color=fdc68a]"I thought you two wished to investigate?"[/color] October asked, a bit confused as Annie asked what they would be poking around at. [color=fdc68a]"I highly doubt that someone will give you permission to investigate them for a crime - so you'll have to do it anyways if you're really keen on it..."[/color] She gave her wife another kiss. [color=fdc68a]"If anyone encounters you inside the Palace, you can simply tell them you were fetching me supplies from the infirmary. Now I must go, you are welcome to come if you wish but I can't be late to an execution I need to attend!"[/color] she said, before taking each one of them by the hand and heading out the door. Oshea gave Allison a bit of a smile, [color=firebrick]"Yeah, it definitely is better to get things over with real quick, it'll be about another 15 minutes or so before it starts, but odds are there is already a crowd of some sort there,"[/color] he said, before he picked her up in his arms and gave her a kiss. With that, he raced her to the Palace. He wasn't kidding when he said that there probably would already be a crowd of sorts at the Palace. There was a large crowd already on the grounds of the Palace, and there were chairs of sorts and bleachers almost in the larger area nearby the lake of sorts on the grounds. [color=firebrick]"Let's go find some seats then I guess, we as usual get what tends to be called "the best seats in the house" but honestly I hate it, who would want to sit around and watch someone die?"[/color] he added, before leading her to the area where they'd be, and it looked like the princess Wanda was already in the area. [color=3E3E81][b][i]The Human Resistance HQ[/i][/b][/color] [color=8dc73f]"The uh, the other guy... He wants to snap Magneto like a toothpick,"[/color] Dr. Banner said, a bit awkwardly, as he rubbed the back of his neck. [color=8dc73f]"The Hulk isn't good for stealth anyways so... chaos it is."[/color] [color=7851A9]"Let's go then,"[/color] Barton said. [color=7851A9]"I'll be with assault, in order to get numbers."[/color] He didn't make any comments about the usefulness of a bow and arrow next to the Hulk, but hey, he was an Avenger and the leader of the S.H.I.E.L.D. team the Secret Warriors in the real world. He was capable of more than people knew. Jade smirked slightly, seeing that her team was the most popular choice so far. [color=339933]"Fucking ace. Now unless Lucifer himself shows up, should be smooth sailing inside the Palace."[/color] She then looked at Alex for a moment and slapped him, then gave him a kiss. [color=339933]"In anticipation of you doing some dumb shit, luv,"[/color] she explained. [color=2d5eb9]"Why do you automatically assume I'm going to do something stupid! I've been trying to actively not do that!"[/color] he said with a slight eye roll, but he was chuckling slightly. [color=339933]"Do you want me to list off all the reasons? We'd be here all day if I did."[/color] [color=2d5eb9]"Wow, so nice to me Jade!"[/color] he said, shaking his head, before looking at the others, [color=2d5eb9]"Going with combat, and honestly, going to point out one major flaw with this plan of yours so far. Not the whole, splitting into groups thing, that's the smart idea, but the whole point of "stealth" is to have a small group go, since the larger the group, the more likely it is you'll get caught. Sure, Magneto is all for putting on a show, but do you really think he's dumb enough to leave the Palace unguarded? No, he's not that stupid, so if you all go you are likely going to get caught."[/color] Barton nodded. [color=7851A9]"Magic the Gathering, you're on the assault team."[/color] Lance wasn't even paying much attention to what was going on around him. He seemed to be tunnel visioning on Runa, and he could tell that she wasn't telling the full truth it would seem. [color=yellow]"Runa... It'll be okay... Don't worry,"[/color] he said to her, before he gave her a hug, something that he didn't really do ever for anyone. Even if she didn't want a hug, he felt like she needed one, so he was totally expecting her to push him away. [color=yellow]"I'm sure you're cousin is fine..."[/color] [hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190722/20a45e3affa5e088e704fbe9cad87d4a.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] Gambit smirked at Rogue slightly, ignoring Casper's question about Ayita and Richard - though the phrase Incest Twins did give him a bit of a chuckle. It was an apt description of those two and he was honestly glad that a family emergency had come up, preventing them from coming. [color=A41E45]"Ma colombe,"[/color] he whispered in Rogue's ear, before gently biting down on her earlobe slightly, fully expecting to get smacked over the head. [color=A41E45]"Oh, mes amis... I forgot ta mention... We ain't gonna land the plane - we're jumpin' out of it,"[/color] he said, grabbing a parachute for Rogue and then one for himself. True to expectations, Rogue smacked him across the face with a bit of an eye roll, before looking at the parachute he had handed her and let out a laugh. [color=CFFF5C]"Remy, ya forgot, I don' need no parachute!"[/color] she said with another laugh, before handing the parachute over to Mary and opening the door of the jet and just jumping out already. [color=A41E45]"....Whatever mon amie!"[/color] [color=007236]"Are you sure this is even a good idea Remy?"[/color] Mary asked him, looking at the parachute now. To her this was insane, but it did help her to keep her mind off of the fact that she was paired up with Ana of all people. Gambit smiled at his sister, looking carefree as he winked at her in response and then jumped out of the plane. [color=007236]"...Guess that answers that question... This still seems dumb to me, but whatever..."[/color] she said with a shrug, putting the parachute on and jumping out of the plane as well. Jack was a little less sure of this entire thing, and there is one thing Casper would definitely remember from growing up with his little brother; Jack had a major fear of heights. Maybe that was why he sort of gravitated towards the underground life with the Morlocks? Who knows, what really mattered was that at the moment, he was somewhat panicking about everything that was going on. [color=9C00FF]"...I'm not so sure about this..."[/color] he muttered under his breath, glancing over at the others. There were definitely plenty of parachutes for the group to use.