Pylia sighed and shook her head. "I wish I knew. I really do. I... I've always prayed, and hoped, that he would answer my call and help me bring the change to these lands like I've asked... But I never expected it to be like this. To have my home burnt down by those skeletons. For you to arrive. For you to even come from another world!" Pylia looked into the skies. "The gods have a cruel sense of humor I think. A few days ago when I was just about to give up, I asked the Defiance to choose someone else to carry out his will. Someone who was more capable than me, who could take this burden off my shoulders." She laughed pitifully. "When my home burned down I lost all hope. All my life's work, gone in an instant. I thought that was his will too. That because I was too weak to fight, I was to be cast out from his grace. And then you came. You came and finally I thought someone was here who wasn't just going to exploit me. To take advantage of my situation or to insult me for the things I do. Who'd be by my side, take my word, and help me against the world. And now I learn it's because of me that you're in this terrible position in the first place, forced to fight a battle you never asked for." Pylia slumped onto the ground and looked towards the ocean. "Ironic isn't it? I wanted to fight against those who'd force others to fight their battles. So naturally you're here to fight mines. Ah... So... Ironic...."