As amusing as the conversation had been to observe, Meesei's laughter quickly subsided as Lunise's tone became more serious. For Meesei, Lunise's question was not as emotionally difficult for her as she might have expected. The bonding between mates that Meesei was accustomed to among her clan was just as meaningful as a marriage, and she was already resolute in the knowledge that she wanted to be Lunise's mate. To call herself a "wife" was just putting another word on how she already felt. Meesei placed her arm around Lunise. "As long as it is physically possible for me to do so, I will [i]make[/i] my schedule free, my love." She said, punctuating her answer with a brief kiss. Nytala, at this point, was grinning practically from ear to ear. "Oh, you two are just so...cute together as well. It almost melts my heart seeing you so smiling and romantic with one another. Not to mention that it renews my hope in grandchildren." Naturally, Meesei was understandably confused by Nytala's comment. She had once before made a comment about grandchildren, and it made no more sense now than it did then. This time, it was Meesei with the awkward and hesitant tone in response to Nytala. "Um, well I would normally consider this to be an obvious conclusion, is quite impossible for us to have our own children together." "Oh, come now Meesei, I am sure you have strong enough knowledge of the depths of the arcane to know that is not [i]strictly[/i] true." Nytala replied, rather vaguely.