[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Qs7rcNR.png[/img][/center] [right]🌷[color=36E528]Interactions:[/color] Ylva 🌷[color=36E528]Mentions:[/color] [[@13org] 🌷[color=36E528]Location:[/color] Nox Gardens[/right] [hr] She could not move. She could only bend her boughs towards the sunlight in an attempt to soak in the pleasant rays, a process that could take weeks. She was stationary, unyielding to the changes around her. Nothing could uproot her, or so it seemed. Her leaves danced in the breeze, shifting and rustling against her will. Her roots were buried beneath the ground of the garden, soaking in vital nutrients and water. They shot up her transport tissue, and into her newer leaves and branches. It was a sensation so pleasant, something she cherished. It was the feeling of revitalization. Pure, and refreshing. Being in this form was so easy and calming. Many had asked her if she felt trapped as a tree. Her response was always no. Her consciousness was stretched so thin, spreading out to her longest branch, that she felt as if she were in a million places at once. She heard everything around her, able to communicate with the plants, so she was never lonely. Sometimes she felt it was too much. After all, when each blade of grass had their say in a matter it could get confusing. Now was not the time to dwell on the pros and cons of being her truest self. She had spent most of the day lounging in this form. It was time for her to become her more human self, and enjoy the pleasantries of mobile life. With a mental heave, she began the transformation. Becoming a five foot four humanoid after spending multiple hours as a sixty-foot tall sycamore was far from pleasant. It was a rather jarring shift. Not only was her consciousness focused in one small space, but she was struck with sounds and smells and physical sensations she hadn't been able to comprehend before. The grass she stepped on no longer called to her. She had to focus her will to speak to the plants around her. It was like second nature changing forms, but that didn't mean it wasn't bizarre. Ending the transformation by forming a skin-tight dress of leaves around her form, she finally adjusted enough to take in the area around her. She stretched her body, her flexible limbs easily bending in ways no ordinary humans could. Satisfied, she reached down and grabbed for the satchel that had been resting against her trunk moments ago. She slung it over her shoulder, checking the contents. The inside was neatly organized, almost like a mini filing cabinet. It was filled to the brim with seeds of all different types, mundane and exotic, categorized alphabetically. Just in case there wasn't any life around her when she needed to enter combat. She also had her inhaler in there, of which she took a quick puff. Ready to face the day, she walked toward the bush that had been nearest her true form. It was made up of poison ivy, which she lovingly stroked. Her body was immune to the response anyone with a normal epidermis would feel had they touched it. [color=36E528]"Buck, love, it's time to wake up."[/color] She cooed. In an instant, the plant was shifting, becoming the form of a dog with a poisonous bite and antlers atop its head. Buck was only three feet at the shoulder, but he was made up of stronger material than she. Whenever she was around him, she felt safe. It was an easy relationship. He was her protector, and she was his loving owner. She let him do mostly as he pleased, in exchange for undying loyalty. Buck hopped up, hooking onto her shoulders with his paws. Yesenia giggled and ran her hands over his body as he licked her face. She knew he wanted to play with her masculine form, where they ran at each other and she grappled with his antlers. Of course, that game was more fit for the privacy of the training rooms. [color=36E528]"Down, Buck,"[/color] She commanded at last, and he responded almost instantly, hopping down and stretching out on the grass. Turning, Yesenia made for the doors leading into Nox. Before she could enter, an interesting woman made her exit. Yesenia considered the girl and figured stopping for conversation couldn't hurt. After all, the blonde seemed a bit shell-shocked. [color=36E528]"Hello, there,"[/color] Yesenia began, speaking directly to the woman so she wouldn't get confused. [color=36E528]"Is everything alright? You look a little frazzled. Rough mission?"[/color]