[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/mMVwqGc.png[/img][/center] [hider=Out of character][b]How long do you usually write?[/b] Several paragraphs. [b]Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.?[/b] Yes. I almost always find that it's easier and more fulfilling to sit down for a few hours and write a scene in a collaboration of some kind than to play purely by post. [b]Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?[/b] Yes. Part of my appeal to roleplaying is to improve my writing skills and write an engaging story, so both are important to me. [b]Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?[/b] I enjoy exploring moral "shades of gray" areas in almost any setting but especially Star Wars, where the focus can be often on "light versus dark." [b]Is there anything you [i]really[/i] dislike and want to avoid like the plague?[/b] Nothing comes to mind at first thought, but I'm sure there will be a couple of things here and there. I'll make it known if I think of anything. [b]Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character?[/b] Again, nothing comes to mind at first thought. I'd like anything excessive to be omitted or faded to black, but I think that's covered in RPG rules anyway. [b]Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?[/b] In the short term, I'm largely hoping to use this character to find my way and my feet in RPG's Star Wars persistent galaxy. I'd like to establish the character and do some networking to get started. In the long term, I'm hoping to explore political ambitions in the Empire as a non-Sith, whether in the same or in different spheres.[/hider] [hider=Imperial personnel files][b]Name:[/b] Corvane Voycnor. [b]Species:[/b] Human. [b]Pureblood percentage:[/b] 14 percent. [b]Homeworld:[/b] Dromund Kaas. [b]Age:[/b] 31, thirty-one. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Military branch:[/b] Imperial Navy Diplomatic Corps. [b]Rank:[/b] Commander. [b]Unit/designation:[/b] Attached to HQ 37 Imperial Navy Flotilla, although often operates at length from them. [b]Role/specialisation:[/b] Liaison officer, foreign liaison specialist. [b]Current place of service:[/b] Currently in operation in the Nal Hutta locale, pending reassignment. [b]Sphere of influence:[/b] Sphere of Expansion and Diplomacy. [/hider] [hider=Imperial Intelligence reports] [h3][sub]Detailed appearance.[/sub][/h3]Corvane is measured to be 5 feet and 10 inches tall, which the assessment team notes comply with the employment requirements for the Imperial Navy. When examined for physical fitness, Corvane performed to the 72nd percentile of assessed navy officers in the past three years. He is noted to have a dark complexion and at the time of review, he was bald and wore a beard. The assessment team notes that the beard has been authorized by CO HQ 37 Imperial Navy Flotilla and is compliant with navy regulation. Amusingly, the assessment team notes that the enlisted men enjoy joking that Corvane "hides razors in his coat" and "pisses with one hand and shaves with the other", as they have "never seen him with a hair on his head." The assessment team notes that disciplinary action was issued to the involved parties. Refer to Annex A for further information on physical assessment results. [h3][sub]Report on skills and talents, including level of skill[/sub][/h3]Review of activity on operations shows that Corvane has demonstrated his talent in investigation and negotiation on several occasions. Corvane has also demonstrated talent in managing projects and personnel, which has consistently resulted in Imperial resources promised to negotiation outcomes not requiring commitment. More mundanely, Corvane displayed skill in personal presentation and bearing when assessed by the assessment team. As a result of this assessment, Corvane has been listed as an instructor candidate at the Academy of Diplomacy. Refer to Annex B for relevant operational history. [h3][sub]Report on known combat experience, training and weapons training.[/sub][/h3]Corvane was taught conventional and substandard gravity infantry combat as part of the curriculum at the Imperial Academy of Naval Command, but he has made little use of these skills operationally. More relevantly, Corvane further specialized in pistol combat and concealed arms combat while studying at the Bureau of Investigation and the Academy of Diplomacy respectively. Assessment results and deployment history make it clear that these skills have been exercised much more frequently on operations both domestic and abroad. Refer to Annex C for assessment results. [h3][sub]Report on the role, specialization, and responsibilities pertaining to the subject's military deployment.[/sub][/h3]Corvane is currently serving as a liaison officer. Corvane specializes in foreign liaison, where he is responsible for managing and executing diplomatic efforts with foreign powers. He is accountable for a staff of 3 to 10 personnel, plus attachments if required. Formerly, Corvane served as an Internal Affairs Investigator and a Military Police Officer. Refer to Annex D for the currently applicable duty statement. [h3][sub]Detailed notes on political influence and associates.[/sub][/h3]Corvane is noted by the assessment team to have some political clout within the Empire, but none that is out of tolerance for a serving officer of the Diplomatic Corps. He is known to have close associates in Internal Affairs, the Bureau of Investigation, and the Academy of Diplomacy, although their relationship is measured to be mutual and platonic. He is also known to have business and political associates on Balmorra, as relevant to his property portfolio. Corvane has reported that he is unmarried and that he does not have romantic or sexual partners. Refer to Annex E for subject sociogram. [h3][sub]Detailed notes on known rivals and enemies, outside and within the Empire.[/sub][/h3]Corvane has reported several foul relations with Imperial citizens. Most of these foul relations have been subject of his investigations as an internal affairs investigator and the remainder have been assessed as a negligible risk to the wellbeing of the Empire. Corvane has also reported a number of foul relations outside of the Empire, mostly by way of foreign representatives that refused to partake in non-combative negotiations within outlined tolerances. Some of these have been assessed to be of low risk to the wellbeing of the Empire and have been noted accordingly. Refer to Annex F for the relevant risk assessment documentation. [h3][sub]List and description of other known associates, including subordinates.[/sub][/h3]Corvane is accountable for Lieutenant F. Tierden, light spacecraft pilot, and Crewman S. Tiedee, secretary. Refer to Annex G and H for personnel files. [h3][sub]List of known all ownerships, including vessels, non-standard equipment, slaves and locations.[/sub][/h3]Corvane has been issued with an imperial shuttle for use when operating independently from 37 Navy Flotilla. In addition to the standard-issue sidearm issued to officers, he maintains a pair of single-use micro blasters, which he hides in his boots and his sleeves. He is known to have a small property portfolio of apartments and a foodstuff production factory on Balmorra. Refer to Annex I and J for a quartermaster's report and for his property portfolio. [h3][sub]Psychological evaluation of candidate.[/sub][/h3]Psychological assessment of the subject certifies that the subject is in good health. When examined for signs of trauma, the candidate responded in the low response range; this would suggest that the subject has experienced traumatic events during his service and has adapted his behaviors in response healthily, with no signs of alarming psychological trauma. The assessment team notes that during scenario assessment exercises, the subject responded urgently when not in control of a situation. Further examination by the psychological assessment authority shows that this behavior is of low risk to the wellbeing of the Empire. The psychological assessment authority did express some concern and saw fit to include this behavior in his personnel file for future reference. Refer to Annex K for the subject's psychological assessment report. [h3][sub]List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into a restricted database.[/sub][/h3]As aforementioned, the subject responded with urgency when placed in a situation where he was not in control. Further examination showed an elevated heart rate (70%> MHR), increased blood pressure (average 135/85 mmHg), and increased bloodstream adrenaline content, that is inconsistent with physical activity levels at the time of assessment and subject physical assessment results (Annex A). The psychological assessment authority suggests that this is an adaptive behavior in response to some variety of psychological trauma. The psychological assessment also noted that this behavior is common with Imperial officers, particularly those accountable to Sith Lords, and that it is of low risk to the wellbeing of the Empire. It has, as aforementioned, been submitted to the file of the subject for clarity across the services and for ongoing monitoring. Refer to Annex K for the subject's psychological assessment report. [h3][sub]Known interests of the candidate.[/sub][/h3]Despite Corvane's noted adverse reactions of lacking control, he has reported that he follows the professional evaluation of brown liquor, maintains a personal collection, and drinks brown liquor approximately once per week (Dromund Kaas local time). Corvane reports that he follows and frequently watches live theater. Significantly, Corvane has some influence in the broader live theater community on Dromund Kaas, and sponsors several live theater groups local to his property portfolio on Balmorra. The assessment team notes that when cross-referencing this information with his bank statements, the assessment team noted a number of purchases related to romantic comedy movies. When questioned, Corvane admitted he is a romantic comedy enthusiast but prefers that not to be known. [h3][sub]Major achievements on record.[/sub][/h3]Towards the end of his career as an internal affairs investigator, Corvane accessed files on a cold case as result of the course of his investigation regarding an active case. Corvane took the cold case files, found the two cases to be related, and solved both cases simultaneously within 2 months (Dromund Kaas local time). As a result of the investigation, up to 55 active serving personnel were arrested, of which 49 were convicted, including a high profile Lieutenant Colonel. Within the past month (Dromund Kaas local time), Corvane successfully closed negotiations with a selection of prominent Hutt cartel personalities operating out of the Nal Hutta locale. Corvane entered negotiations on the back foot after deploying reactively to a succeeding Galactic Republic diplomatic envoy. After starting negotiations by being threatened by an influential Nal Hutta personality, Corvane closed negotiations having secured the arrest and extradition of the Republic diplomatic envoy, a trade agreement concerning unprocessed spice, and authority to operate on behalf of the Empire in select regions of the Nal Hutta locale. Notably, this was secured with less than 50 Imperial casualties. [h3][sub]Major failures on record. Confidential.[/sub][/h3]Corvane's career as an Internal Affairs Investigator ended after Corvane was found to have organized forged evidence to make a high profile arrest. Corvane was investigating an unaccounted 120,000 credits per financial year from operations in an asteroid mine in the Dromund Kaas locale. Corvane believed that the operations officer managing the facility was responsible. When the investigation came to a halt, Corvane used associates related to his operations on Balmorra to forge evidence incriminating the operations officer. The operations officer was arrested but the evidence was proven falsified during the ensuing legal battle. The operations officer was later cleared of all charges. Another internal affairs investigator later found that the credits being funneled to the slaves by the quartermaster, who was funding an insurrection. Corvane was arrested and convicted of falsification of evidence. He was fined and sentenced to 5 years hard labor but paid bail to avoid the prison sentence. [h3][sub]Personal biography, as detailed by the subject for use in imperial archives.[/sub][/h3][hider=Interview]INTERVIEWER: Time is 19:31 in local time, Dromund Kaas, timezone 4. State your name, rank, and occupation for the record. SUBJECT: Corvane Voycnor. Commander. Foreign liaison officer. INTERVIEWER: We are collecting your account of your life up until this point. This is for reference of authorized agents of the Galactic Empire. Do you understand? SUBJECT: Yes. INTERVIEWER: Begin by describing your early years. From your earliest memories to 12 years of age. SUBJECT: I was born and raised in Kaas City. My mother was in active service in the Naval Education Corps. My father was executed for treason before I was old enough to remember him. INTERVIEWER: Your father was a traitor? Elaborate. SUBJECT: He provided information on communications encryption to the SIS. INTERVIEWER: That is unfortunate. Carry on. SUBJECT: My mother was a wealthy woman. She was a Commander and assisted in managing the Education Corps curriculum. Beyond that, she had a growing property portfolio in Kaas City. As such, my upbringing was [i]comfortable[/i]. My needs were met and I was enriched as I needed it, with my mother's approval. INTERVIEWER: Is your mother still in active service? SUBJECT: No, she has since retired. INTERVIEWER: And was she strict? Lenient? Fair? SUBJECT: She was strict. She would strike me over the knuckles when I tried to write with my left hand. There were a few instances where she didn't have the patience to maintain it. I believe it was for the best. She taught me to be driven and uncompromising. She was a single mother, she would know it best. INTERVIEWER: How is your relationship now? SUBJECT: It's good. We're in regular contact and I visit frequently. INTERVIEWER: Tell me about your education. You mentioned that you studied in a private institution? SUBJECT: Yes. I studied at an elite school in Kaas City. The school prided itself on the vast majority of the students moving on to and graduating from a command academy. INTERVIEWER: 92 percent of students, as of current. I'm familiar with the institution. I have your grades here with me. You did well, but you didn't exceed expectations. Why not? SUBJECT: I didn't care for it enough. I knew what I wanted to do. INTERVIEWER: And that was Internal Affairs Investigation? SUBJECT: No. I wanted to go into the Naval Intelligence Office. Internal Affairs was my second preference. INTERVIEWER: I also have noticed that you were suspended once for striking another student. Tell me about that SUBJECT: We had been aggravating one another for the better part of two weeks. He sent one of his slaves to heckle me in the yard, so I confronted him. I imagine the record notes that I instigated the physical assault, which is true. As an adult, I disapprove of the decision. INTERVIEWER: The record does state that. Very well. You then graduated from the institution to study at the Academy of Naval Command. Can you elaborate on that? SUBJECT: My mother purchased my commission and I enrolled in the Naval Command Academy. I studied for 4 years and continued to study at the Bureau of Investigation for another year and a half. I then entered active service. INTERVIEWER: And your record at the academy was impeccable, even if your grades stayed little better than good. You didn't care enough then, either? SUBJECT: I cared then. I focused on reliable consistency, on my mother's advice. INTERVIEWER: How quaint. So you then entered active service. Meritious service medals, commanders commendations, even medals for gallantry. That is an impressive record for an investigator. So why did you do it? SUBJECT: Neither of us are here to speak vaguely, sir. You mean when I fabricated evidence incriminating the site operations officer. INTERVIEWER: Then let's be frank. Why did you do it, Commander? SUBJECT: Everything I had suggested that he did it but that he had destroyed the evidence, so I made my own. INTERVIEWER: That was an awful breach of conduct. You could have gone to prison. You were lucky that you had the capital. The site quartermaster was later arrested and found guilty. Do you regret the decision you made? SUBJECT: I don't regret fabricating the evidence. I regret that I didn't get it right. [The assessment team notes that the interviewer and the subject sat in silence for up to 7 seconds before continuing.] INTERVIEWER: So you were then removed from work in internal affairs. Your talents were judged more appropriate in foreign liaison. An interesting decision, but your record is clear in the rationale. How do you find your current work? SUBJECT: It's a refreshing change of pace from investigation. I find that it's more relevant to my skills, both within and without active service. INTERVIEWER: You're referring to your property portfolio on Balmorra? It's an interesting place to invest, with the ongoing civil war. When did you start investing? SUBJECT: At twenty-three. Once again, at my mother's advice. INTERVIEWER: And it has been going rather well for you. You've made an effort to invest in the surrounds, namely in theater and infrastructure. Your investments have been attracting a high-class clientele. I gather this goes beyond your love of opera? SUBJECT: Both of my motives benefit one another. It's a well-thought investment. INTERVIEWER: Perhaps so. Despite your... transgressions, you are once again established with meritorious service, if not a little heavy-handed at times. Where do you plan to progress too from here, Commander? SUBJECT: I plan to focus on my own property portfolio. I will need something to retire into and I will need an established network if I intend to inherit my mother's properties in Kaas City. INTERVIEWER: Your record notes that you are steadily becoming poised to break into politics. What do you have to say about that? SUBJECT: Property, business, and politics aren't mutually exclusive. If one begets the other and is a smart decision, I may very well. INTERVIEWER: Very well, everything here has been addressed. The time is 19:39 in local time, Dromund Kaas, timezone 4. Closing documentation. [/hider] [/hider]