Sylvia sat down next to Pylia and she listened to what she had to say. She didn't move and let Pylia slump against her shoulder. Sylvia nodded in agreement about the madness, and she commented, "Loneliness can be maddening. Not only that, but it's also pretty scary how easily misunderstandings can come about, with or without loneliness," She then told Pylia, "Last night at Ricks', he was willing to just let me pay two silver for the night and let me be on the way. He only offered me a job because he noticed that I was looking at the job board out of curiosity," She then smiled a bit and she informed her friend, "Pylia, do you know how much they offered for catching Dirk? 100 gold pieces. Not only that, but everyone in the village gave me various rewards for catching him. Including having Room 5 in Ricks' Inn as my room permanently," She then chuckled and commented "I don't know about you, but I think that's pretty generous of them, especially since I'm a stranger who only arrived in Cassari last night. It feels like [i]I'm[/i] the one who's taking advantage of [i]them[/i]," She then told Pylia, looking at the sky again, "My family...My grandparents often told me that there are more good people than there are bad people in the world, even if it doesn't seem like it. I would like to believe that it's the same for this world, even if it doesn't seem like it to you,"