In the Segmentum Obscurus, where a planet had once sat, a fleet of ships prepared themselves. At the head of the armada sat The Roar of Caliban, and inside its hallowed boughs resided the leadership of a new chapter of space marines. At the head of the room, giant frame covered by off-white robes, the new Supreme Grand Master of the Lions of Absolution cleared his throat. In front of him stood the towering Lion’s Absolution, the mace too big even for the superhuman to lift outside of his armour, but serving as a reminder of what the chapter was to stand for. “Brothers.” He would finally say. “When we look at the sins of the Lion, we find none.” His voice carried, clear and deep, throughout the front part of the ship. Although few were there to hear it, those few that were heard him well. “When we look at the sins of his sons, we find them to be innumerable.” His hands would rest themselves on the burnished metal of the power maul, hands calloused and worn from centuries of fighting. “Today, we receive our first true orders from the Lord Commander of the Imperium. In his venerable wisdom, he has sent us to the Segmentum Tempestus. It is here that we will find the foulest of criminals- heretics against our Emperor and our Imperium. We will, no, we [b]must[/b] pull them out, root and stem,” he would clench one hand into a fist. “Forever showing those who would fall to chaos what their deserved fates will be.” He would pause for a moment. “You are all warriors of superlative skill and power. I expect you to fulfil your duties and carry out what the Emperor requires of you.” His hand would unclench itself and move from person to person, until each of the men in front of him had been indicated to. “Prepare yourselves for the campaign. Make ready the weapons of war…” He would let a steely glare sweep across the room, gaze hanging on the Forgemaster and Chief Librarian for perhaps a little too long. “And always, keep an eye for the brothers that have spat on our legacy and impunged our honour. Spare none of them. Abjure them of their wretched lives.”