[b]Lexianna[/b] I watch Jaylen bound off again. The child isn't completely wrong about Kar. I don't think he's dangerous yet but he will be if he doesn't handle the rage festering inside. Jaylen's put me in a bit of a bind. I had hoped Karnariel would open up to me in his own time. Speaking on one's personal experience often helps. Just to have someone listen, if not give advice. Jaylen took that choice of trusting me away. Still, I can't let him harbor this idea of vengeance forever. Not when there's an honest chance for change. I've killed nobles before. They're souls weren't salvageable but regrettably the main motivator was that it was easier. It's shameful to even think. But, I'm not that kind of Lotus anymore. Getting the lords together for discussion is critical. So, Kar and I will need to talk. When Nicholas approaches I'm genuinely delighted. I reach out and touch is hand. " It honors me that you trust me for this. I'd love to accompany you. Please tell me all you know about East point."