[@Zeroth] Knowing the whole "plot" isn't a big issue since, in the grand scheme of things, the big "narrative" right now is just surviving. [Color=Red]That's a relief to hear.[/Color] What I mean is more along the lines of, are you familiar with any of the influences and staples of the RP, things like the Isekai/Reincarnation genre, JRPG tropes and cliches, Dragon Quest, monster raising games that aren't just Pokemon, and so on and so forth? [Color=Red]I'd like to believe that I'm familiar. I've consumed my fair share of isekai manga, manwha, wuxia, light novels, and anime. Played a few JRPGs and Dragon Quest. Aside from Pokemon and Pokemon Clones, I guess Monster Rancher, and Digimon.[/Color] Do you have any idea what kind of character you'd like to make, what their goals would be, etc? [Color=Red]I've got an idea of the character trope I'll be going with and short term goals. Kinda hard to establish long term goals for now.[/Color]