Lunise followed Meesei's eyes behind her back. "Oh, my apologies, Zyausak." She gave him a respectful nod. "Please do seek us out later if we do not seek you out first. As I said to mother, any help at all is a gift." As Zyausak left, Lunise slowly turned back around to Nytala. There was a pause she held with an expression that had something to say, but not a word emerged before Zyausak closed the door behind him. "Okay." Lunise resumed, suddenly sounding determined. "Now that I shan't be mortified in front of a particularly ancient and wise mage, I need you, mother, to fulfil my...purely academic interest, if you would." Her shoulders slumped and her brow knitted up. "How on Nirn is a woman meant to conceive a child without a man? And before you answer, know that father has filled me in a number of times on what Hist sap can do to a willing Argonian body and I dare say such a method is rather more drastic than may be necessary."