[hr][indent][I]Bzz. Bzz. Bzzzzz. Bzz. Bzz. Bzzzzz.[/I] The buzzing continued for about five seconds but went entirely unnoticed until a more audible chime came from the phone. The small sound startled Nadia as she jolted awake, green eyes wide as she looked around. Her light blanket had been wrapped around tightly around her arms with an impressive death grip, the limo's lights dimmed at her request. She could see some of the passing streetlights outside the window, the buildings indistinguishable from one another until she blinked a few times. As she stretched her arms above her head, her back ached in protest, and as she dropped her arms she looked out the window again. She was so used to the New York buildings covering most of the view of the sky that the smaller buildings in Palm Beach didn't actually surprised her for a few seconds. She slumped back in her seat, nearly drifting off again until her phone chimed at her a second time. She usually wasn't the kind of person to ignore her phone, but after multiple car rides and a long flight, the only thing she wanted to do was sleep. That wasn't too much to ask for, was it? Forcing herself to sit up, she rubbed whatever sleep was left out of her eyes and sat properly, checking her phone. Her mother had apparently sent her multiple messages, further killing her drive for responding. The limo came to a stop, and she let out a sigh of relief. Finally! Her celebration was premature, however, as once she stepped out she was greeted by the sight of many, [i]many[/i] cars all parked along the house she used to call her home. She barely contained her groan, though she let her head drop. So much for going straight to sleep. "I'll take your bags in, Miss Aurelios," The chauffeur said as he closed the car door behind her. [color=lightsalmon]"Thank you,"[/color] She tried to psyche herself up as she walked to the door, looking at the positives. She had been dying to see Lucas and Victoire, Sebastian was sure to be happy to see her, and at least the weather wasn't terrible. On the other hand, her mother was there, she was tired, her mother was there, her back hurt a little from the trip, and oh, her mother was there. At least it looked like there were a few others, so maybe she could go in, say hi, mention how long the trip was, then escape and sleep for the next twelve hours. Happy with her plan, she cleared her throat after she rang the bell. She took a second to brush her hair off her shoulder as the door opened, her face immediately splitting into a grin as a tall, dark, and moody young woman opened the door, an eyebrow arched at her. Despite the lack of a returned smile, Nadia could tell she was happy with her arrival, more unamused with the fact that the redhead immediately pulled her into a hug. [color=deepskyblue]"Could you not?"[/color] Victoire muttered, pulling herself away. [color=lightsalmon]"I can't help it! I missed you!"[/color] She bounced in place, taking a second to look at the girl. Well, woman, really, she looked so much more mature despite the two being the same age. She managed to mute her excitement as she lowered her voice. [color=lightsalmon]"So, um, what's going on? Who's here?"[/color] Victoire rolled her eyes, beckoning Nadia to follow her. [color=deepskyblue]"The entire living room is packed, too many names to list,"[/color] She said, waiting for Nadia to hang her coat in the closet before continuing. [color=deepskyblue]"Dad has some big announcement, I think he got a promotion or something."[/color] Nadia bit her lip, stealing a peek into the room as Victoire strolled in. A majority of them were familiar faces at the very least, all happily chatting away. Some of them she hadn't seen since she left for New York, others she knew still living in Palm Beach so she had seen them whenever she visited, but she didn't get a chance to properly look around before being grabbed from behind, letting out a shriek as she felt like she was being crushed. [color=firebrick]"You made it!!!"[/color] Lucas squealed, his hug so tight she felt like he was trying to squeeze the air out of his lungs. He put her down long enough to take her arm and drag her with him, not giving her a chance to properly greet anyone. She did spot her mother sitting next to Sebastian, dressed to the nines as always. She found herself practically pushed into her seat and promptly smushed as Lucas threw himself down. [/indent][hr]