Penelope gave a weary smile as she noticed Crow was still rather tired. She couldn't help but sympathize with him. Despite not having nightmares to keep her from getting a proper night's rest, the knight was a bit sleep deprived from all the work she had to do the day before. With the distraction of Crow's panic gone, she began to feel her weariness a bit more heavily once more. As he spoke up to say he still counted it as a success, she nodded her head in agreement. When he leaned up to kiss her, she smiled a little more genuinely and closed her eyes as she leaned down to meet his lips. The moment didn't last long though as she heard someone clear their throat. Penelope pulled back and looked over to Preston as the boy seemed uncomfortable. At first, the knight thought it was due to their closeness and she shifted a bit awkwardly, wondering if she should put some distance between her and Crow. She was reluctant to but so far, it seemed the attendant had kept his mouth shut about their relationship so she didn't want to give him a reason to. However, she quickly found out that wasn't the case. As Preston went on to say that Eldon would be stopping by that morning, she frowned a little and glanced towards the door, knowing she should leave before the physician showed up. It'd be difficult to explain why she was in his room if he caught her there. Even if he didn't ask too much, she didn't want to risk him spreading any rumors. As Crow pressed closer to her instead of letting her go, Penelope looked down at him and brushed back a strand of hair from his face. "We don't." she agreed. A frown crossed her expression as she realized she'd likely be seeing even less of him in the coming days since she'd be busy with both guard duty and the party. "But hopefully that'll be changing soon... I should get going before he gets here though." she sighed and pressed one last kiss to his cheek before pulling away from him. She made her way towards the door but paused as she casted a glance towards Preston. "By the way Preston, I'm not going to be able to be here in the mornings since this was my last night guard shift here this week. I was hoping you'd be able to help him if he can't remember how to get out of his panic." she told him with a glance at Crow. "Ah... I don't know if I can do it quite like you." Preston pointed out. Penelope blushed a little at the insinuation and then gave a small awkward laugh. "All you have to do is get him to breath through his nose, hold it and then release it. As long as you can get him to do that, I think it'll be ok." she explained. "Alright." the attendant agreed dipping his head. Penelope gave him a grateful nod and then glanced over at Crow, giving him a small shrug. Whether he liked it or not, she wanted to make sure he wouldn't get stuck in his panicked state or make himself pass out with his ragged breathing. Plus knowing Preston would help him if needed gave her a small peace of mind, even though she still wished she could be there for him in the morning. "I'll see you later then." she told the viceroy before turning to head out the door. However, the knight didn't even get to take one step out as she spotted a figure heading down the corridor towards Crow's room. She paled and ducked her head back into the room. Eldon was already approaching. "Eldon's coming." she announced to the other two, her eyes wide with alarm.