Penelope glanced around looking for a way out of the situation they were about to be in if Eldon walked into the room. As Crow ushered her over to the wardrobe, she quickly complied and followed him over. She stepped inside as he gestured for her to go in and pressed her back against the wood as she shuffled in between the various clothes. The knight was about to reply to him as he tried to apologize but didn't get the chance to as a knock came from the door. As the wardrobe door shut, she held her breath as Eldon entered the room, remaining tense as she tried to listen for any sound of suspicion in his voice. Luckily it seemed that the physician had no clue about her being stuffed in the wardrobe. Penelope let out a silent breath as Eldon went on with his regular procedures with Crow. Now that she knew Eldon wasn't suspicious, all she had to do was remain quiet and wait for the old man to leave. Shifting carefully she leaned against a few clothes that were hanging on one side of her in an attempt to get a bit more comfortable since it seemed this check up was going to take some time. The fabrics were soft and pressed together they nearly felt like a pillow to the weary knight. Combined with the darkness of the shut wardrobe, she began to feel drowsy as her eyelids grew heavy. The meeting with Eldon seemed to be continuing outside but the voices had began to fade to the knight. With nothing to distract her and nothing else to do, she closed her eyes for a moment. It was difficult to stay awake even though she was standing up when the clothing around her kept her both warm and provided her a soft spot to rest her head. Slowly she began to lean more heavily against the side of the wardrobe. The knight jumped at the sound of door opening. Penelope blinked tiredly and pushed herself up as her gaze rested on Crow, who had now opened the wardrobe again. "It's fine." she said a bit sheepishly as she tried to subtly rub her eyes in hopes that he hadn't noticed her nearly taking a nap. She took a step out of the wardrobe and stretched. "Alright, now hopefully I'll be able to get out of here before anyone else comes."