[center][img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZDkzZTA2ZWEtNDFkZS00MGRkLWIzMTEtYWYxMmIzMzMzOTNkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDYyMTcyNjk@._V1_UX178_CR0,0,178,264_AL_.jpg[/img][/center] [b][color=tan]Name:[/color][/b] Marcus [b][color=tan]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=tan]Age:[/color][/b] 28 [b][color=tan]Alignment:[/color][/b] Guild [b][color=tan]Rank within Organisation:[/color][/b] Lieutenant [b][color=tan]Birthmark Shape:[/color][/b] [hider=Mark]https://www.tattootribes.com/multimedia/94/4-elements.png[/hider] [b][color=tan]Location of Birthmark:[/color][/b] Left breast. [b][color=tan]Magical Ability:[/color][/b] Elemental Entity Creation - The ability to take existing forms of an element and transform them into a golem style creature. The maximum number created is four individual entities that cannot exceed the size of 9 feet tall and mostly retain a humanoid form as its primary appearance. These entities have limited intelligence on their own, but all have unwavering loyalty to Marcus. The entities are only capable of whatever their element is capable. For example, a stone entity cannot breathe fire or fly, and a fire entity cannot touch a person without burning them. Duplicate golems if the same element cannot be created as it seems each element has somewhat of a different primitive persona, though it is not known why. Marcus can undo his creations, leaving them as just a mass of whatever element they were made from [b][color=tan]Place of Birth:[/color][/b] New York City [b][color=tan]Currently Residing:[/color][/b] New York City [b][color=tan]Personality:[/color][/b] -Commanding -Playful -Honest -Motivating -Receptive -Workaholic -Energetic -Social -Approachable -Protective [b][color=tan]History/Bio:[/color][/b] Marcus was born into a notable scholarly family within the Guild. Most members of Marcus's family worked directly for the Guild, maintaining records, organizing small functions, and integrating newly discovered magic users to the Guild. Essentially, they helped support the Guild in being the Guild. Marcus grew up not having this idea in mind for himself. He found few relatives to relate to and his magical ability appeared to be some odd form of telekinetic puppeteering or animation, which was deemed as a bit creepy. It wasn't until one of his "puppets" were found moving around even after Marcus had fallen asleep. After identifying his magical ability, he wasn't sent away to some faraway place to be exiled from others. Marcus was actually sent to other families within the Guild to gather knowledge on the different elements they commanded at their fingertips. Marcus trained and studied frequently during his childhood a bit more than others his age, but not just because he was pushed a bit by his parents, but because he wanted to use his power more effectively to make what he considered some of his close friends stronger and more real. Yes, Marcus had come to consider his creations, his friends. Sure they didn't speak, but he enjoyed their company. His parents often said this was his drive, but also what held him back from rivaling Salem De Silva. He faced off against the woman during her final challenge alongside other mages to prove her prowess as a leader of the Guild. Her victory made him proud of himself. It got rid of some of the pressure, and more importantly, he would continue what his family was known for in his own way. He'd support the Guild… in his own way. Wait, scratch that. In their own way. Marcus is one of the few within the Guild that hold the rank of Lieutenant with his crew, squad, buds, bros, or whatever you may call them by his side.