Mummy Written By Timothy Rhymer Chapter One Ancient Egypt 391 B.C. Long ago, there was a Pharaoh by the name Ammu Calotep who had a daughter, Princess Nabul-tepites, and her father had once told her that she was going to rule Egypt. But the Pharaoh fell in love with his brother/ bodyguard Nabmu Calotep's girlfriend Elonu-pheties. Then one day Elonu-pheties gave birth to the Pharaoh's son. So now the Pharaoh's son will inherit Nabul-tepites's destiny. Out for revenge, Nabul broke the most worst of ancient laws, she made a pact to embrace evil...She made a pact with Set the Egyptian God Of Death and to seal the pact, she had to turn someone against mankind and over to evil. So, Set gave her the worst of the worst gifts, he gave her his dagger "The Dagger Of Eternal Evil". But before she could seal the pact, Pharaoh's guards stopped her and mummified her alive and put her in a sarcophagus and took her far from Egypt and sealed her in a tomb where she'll spend all of eternity in darkness.