You choose a corner edge seat that, with a bit of cleaning, was clean enough. The food tasted rather decent though you note the lack of spices aside from salt in the stew. The beef chunks were largely fat with the bulk of the solids being potatoes and carrots. Still it was a thick stew and went well with your bread, which seemed to be some sort of pumpernickle. It was an otherwise quiet morning. That large man came down stairs again to eat. Unlike you he didn't seem to care for the stains and simply got his food and ate in silence. The broth would occasionally stain his large bushy white beard but he otherwise didn't seem to notice or care. When he finished his meal, the old lady would come and refill his bowl. The third time this would happen, Dirk actually came out from one of the back rooms, yawning and rubbing his eyes. He looked different outside of his usual thief tatters; he was just wearing trousers that revealed his rather lithe body. When he saw you he covered himself up with his arms. "Sylvia! I-I-I whoa you're up early!"