[img]https://www.clubindustry.com/sites/clubindustry.com/files/styles/article_featured_standard/public/blink-lindenhurst-770.jpg?itok=jPEhrAKW[/img] [u][b]January 7th, 10:14 AM Blink Fitness, The Bronx, New York[/b][/u] [@MsMorningstar][@Zoey White][@LokiLeo789][@DC The Dragon] [b]BAMPF! BAMPF, BAMPF, BAMPF![/b] The crisp sound of her nylon gloves striking against the coach's [url=https://i.imgur.com/8JCXEyY.jpg]pads[/url] was undeniably cathartic in the way that it cut through the clinking of the gym equipment and the strained grunting of the weightlifters surrounding them. Although it had been nearly a week since the concert, [url=https://i.imgur.com/LHu6IT0.jpg]Karen[/url] was still dealing with the full ramifications of the attack. The local media had all but camped outside the hotel she had been staying at, eager for any word that they could no doubt twist out of context. Politicians had predictably been using the incident to call for harsher scrutiny towards Mages attending public events. Some even tried to lump it in with that whole mess down in Bludhaven to target non-human Terrans as well. Uncool. None of them could understand that the people they called "monsters" were actually comprised of hundreds of distinct species with completely different cultures, traditions, and beliefs. Some naturally violent or [i]cannibalistic[/i] species shouldn't be allowed in cities, or around civilians in general. She could agree with that. It was how they lumped the more peaceful species of Terrans in with them that pissed her off to no end. [color=orchid]"YAH!"[/color] roared Karen, delivering a kick to the pad that caused her coach to nearly fall from the impact, the [i]crack[/i] causing several people to halt their workouts in confusion and alarm. Breathing out through her nose, she snatched her towel from the bench and wiped it along her brow. "Whew! Christ, girl, you nearly took my arm off!" said Coach Jensen, dropping the mitts. "You sure you're just doing this for health?" Karen smiled, shaking her head. [color=orchid]"Sorry. I've been a little stressed lately. Are you alright?"[/color] "I'll be fine," said Jensen. "I'm not so old that I can't still take a few bumps here and there." Removing her gloves, Karen sat down on the bench and snatched up her water bottle, taking a long and heavy drink from it. The cool liquid washed over her tongue and streamed down her dry throat. It was said that lukewarm water was better to drink during workout sessions, but she could never stand that. Tasting warm water after two hours of exercise was like being given a parka for running a marathon in the summer. Of course, she was dressed like it [i]was[/i] summer despite being winter; but so was everyone else here. It couldn't be helped, Blink Fitness always cranked the temperature up way too high during the colder months. Ironic really, given how mild the winters had become as of late. Whether it was global warming, or all the chaos magic in the air, she honestly couldn't say. Checking her phone, Karen's lips pulled down into a frown at the lack of any message from Clio, Star, or V. She had hoped they would ask about her bodyguard offer before the time came for her to leave New York, but that was starting to look unlikely. It was a shame, she had really enjoyed hanging out with Clio. Of course, she had never seriously expected [i]V[/i] to drop everything to come protect her fans, given who he was. "I'm guessing that's it for training, right?" asked Jensen, his weathered eyes pleading for a "yes." [color=orchid]"Yeah, I'm good,"[/color] said Karen, offering him a wave. Jones had proven himself to be more than capable as a bodyguard. No harm had ever come to her when he was around, and she suspected that would remain the case. But at the same time...she hated feeling so weak and helpless. Up until the concert, Muay Thai had only been something she had pursued to stay in shape, but this past week she had been hitting the mitts harder than ever before. It felt so pathetic, to have to be watched over like she was still a helpless little flower. She wasn't a small girl by any means, and she was a mage on top of that! She should be able to defend herself more readily. Shaking her head, Karen pushed herself up from the bench and began to make for the showers. Her next concert was fast approaching, and she desperately prayed that it wouldn't turn out like the last one. Her fans might love her, but everyone had their breaking point.