[h3]Day 7 [After Battle][/h3] [color=f6989d]♥[/color] Tori's pants catch on fire due to Gwendolyn's flamelion and Tori cries for her to stop. Surprisingly, Gwendolyn uses a watersprite to stop the lion, but says that it wasn't because she wanted to save him or anything. She is then whisked away back to her ship. Noticing that most of the battles were done, Tori runs down to the supply room to look for Trixxtal, only to find Videl on the floor. [color=f6989d]♥[/color] After capturing Trixxtal, Fenrir and his wolfpack retreats back to their ship. Jecht, injured from his fight (as well as his previous ones with Valerio) is moments away fro collapsing and calls for Mariemaia to take note of casualties, damage, and to steer towards land. Jecht passes out him his room, but not before vowing to apologize to Trixxtal for worrying about him. [color=f6989d]♥[/color] Cepheus, Charlie and Nemesis go down to the supply room to check on Video and Trixxtal, only to find Videl gravely hurt and Tori crying next to him, and Trixxtal missing. [color=f6989d]♥[/color] Mariemaia steers the ship for a few minutes, but then notices that her favorite crew members are missing. She hands the ship over to some rando and goes off to find them. She finds the group in the supply deck were Tori is crying and Videl is bleeding. [color=f6989d]♥[/color] Tori clings to Cepheus as he cries, revealing that Trixxtal has been kidnapped. The crew doubt that but Videl wakes up and backs up Tori, saying that he saw them run off with the first mate himself. Charlie declares that they are all dead when Jecht hears the news. Nemesis gets a healing salve for Videl's shoulder as the other crew members fight over who would be the one to tell Jecht. [color=f6989d]♥[/color] Videl doesn't want to because he says that Jecht is scarier than a bull. Tori pleads that he doesn't want to tell Jecht either. Charlie says that he would probably start crying. Cepheus says that Jecht would drink him dry and then throw him overboard if he tells him. The boys say that they're gonna go clean the ship and Cepheus is going to find Tori some pants. Only Nemesis and Mariemaia are left but Mariemaia tells Nemesis that she will tell Jecht alone. [color=f6989d]♥[/color] However, Mariamaia sees this as a blessing in disguise. Not Trixxtal being taken but that she would now have the opportunity to comfort him in his time as need over the loss of his FRIEND. She freaks out on her way to his cabin but steels herself to tell him about her feelings. She is momentarily hesitant to tell Jecht because he looks terrible but he would be even more angry if she waited. She reports the casualties and damage to Jecht, beating around the bush, until she blurts out that Trixxtal is gone. [color=f6989d]♥[/color] Jecht is ENRAGED and accuses Mariemaia of lying. Even though he is wounded, he rushes out to the dock and yells for Trixxtal to show himself. His emotions cause lightning to rip apart the ship and eventually he even starts to throw lightning at the ship in anger. He screams his apologies to Trixxtal, though they fall on deaf ears. [color=f6989d]♥[/color] Cepheus, Charlie, Nemesis, Mariemaia, Tori and Videl all hide out in the crows nest in order to avoid Jecht's fury. They all comment on how love can drive someone crazy and eventually Jecht tires himself out. Mariemaia rushes to his side in worry and Jecht finally accepts that Trixxtal is gone. He tells her that he wants to go into town, most likely to drink and wallow in self pity, but Mariemaia pleads for him to rest instead. He fights with her, telling her that she can't tell him what to do, but in a last ditch effort she says that it would "be what Trixxtal wanted". Jecht blows up on her, saying that she doesn't know what Trixxtal would want. He goes back to his cabin with the help of other crew members. [color=f6989d]♥[/color] Mariemaia and Nemesis offer to look after Tori while the guys try to fix up the ship. Unfortunately, they are out of supplies and need to get some from the town. Tori also needs pants. Nemesis and Mariemaia convince Tori that it's time that they teach him how to steal. The FlyingDeath docks at the port and Jecht goes off to drink, but not before telling Charlie that he wanted the ship to be in PERFECT condition by the time he returns. The rest of the crew, little Tori included, also went into town, but decided to break into some buildings to look for wood and clothes. As they teach Tori about stealth, each member reminisces about how Jecht taught them, usually by using violence and intimidation. [color=f6989d]♥[/color] They manage to break into the building, which happened to be a workspace. Glad to find the materials they were looking for, Mariemaia suddenly comes up with a plan to split up into groups. She secretly wants to find Jecht to make sure he's okay but she'll never admit it outloud. Videl is in charge of carrying the wood back to the ship. Nemesis and Cepheus are to help Tori steal some pants, and her and Charlie will look for Jecht. They each agree and go their separate ways. [color=f6989d]♥[/color] BACK ON THE SKULLKRAKEN Romulus suffered dangerous injuries from Videl, including a broken arm and leg. Gwendolyn uses her magic to set the bones back in place. Remus feels as if he failed his brother and is too busy sulking to seek help for his jaw. Kakeru then offers him a pain relief potion. Meanwhile, Fenrir, Dromena, Nicolao and Kakeru are in the cells, observing their unconscious captive. Fenrir asks why they have a captive in the first place and Kakeru reveals that he wants to use him as a bargaining chip, since he is the First Mate of that ship. Being reminded of his failure angers Fenrir and he wants to go back to kick Jecht's ass, but Kakeru convinces him otherwise by reminding him of the Dragon Spheres. They all agree to drop their captive back at NeverIsland. Fenrir searches Trixxtal's body for anything valuable and finds the pocketwatch that Jecht gave him. He takes the watch and returns to his quarters.