Roland felt slightly better after she had helped patch the wounds up a bit. The throbbing in his head lessened, and through he was sore and still bleeding, he felt like he could sit up. Grunting, he slowly pulled himself to a sitting position, One hand on the hard floor, the other reached for Iseldis and cupped her cheek gently. "You good?" he asked her breathlessly. He knew they had just met, but already he found he was worrying about her, even if he took the brunt of the damage from that fall. Once they lifted themselves off the ground, they had a few tunnels leading away where they could potentially go. Roland had never been so far underground, but he'd met more than a few Dwarves at his Chapter House. Their stories would come in handy. He whispered into her ear, making barely a sound. "We can't make any noise," he told her. "Sound travels in the low ways. Don't say a word. Just stay with me and keep moving until we can find someplace to rest." He reached into his tattered bag and pulled out his last torch, lighting it up after a few cracks of the flint. It was their only light source until Iseldis got her strength back, so they needed to keep it safe. He might be slightly more worse for wear than her, but he wasn't as tired. His hand went down to hers, and gripping it tightly he led her forward to the right tunnel. He didn't know why, he simply wanted to get going wherever they could, before the Dark Elf witch could gather her wits. Stumbling over fallen timber and jutting rocks, they made their way into the darkness of the tunnel. The air was dank and stuffy, Roland trying to even breathe as quietly as he could muster. It took longer than either of them knew, bumping around the stalagmites in the dark. It could have been minutes or hours, but it felt like forever. At first, they didn't know why they were beginning to feel better about where they were going. After a few minutes, they realized there was light ahead of them. They slowed down, but the excitement between them was palpable. The young squire didn't know what to expect, but what they found wasn't what he would have imagined in his wildest dreams. A large chamber, larger than the largest buildings Roland had ever been within, stretched at least a mile in every direction, including up. A vast forest of faintly glowing, giant mushrooms filled the cavern floor. To their left was a rise that led up onto a balcony-like plataeu, and they could even hear running water. "What in the Gods..." Roland said. He didn't know what to think, but in here was better than back there. [@Luminosity]